![]() Yesterday I needed to take a quick trip over to the nearest "dollar store." Dollar Tree, Dollar General, Family Dollar...there are so many dollar this and that, I often get confused as to the name, but know exactly where they are located. You too? So I drove into the parking lot, turned off the vehicle, grabbed my purse and walked like a determined focused woman on a "60 second mission" to the store door. As I opened the door, I was greeted by sullen faces as people stood in a line that reached up the isle and to the back of the store. I stopped counting at twenty people waiting to be checked out. Am I crazy? I am only here to grab a can of Barbesol shave cream that my husband has used for over 36 years! Before these thoughts hit my brain, my feet turned around toward the door. With carts loaded and faces looking as if they had just been given the worst news of their life, they stood waiting to hand out money for a ton of "dollar" items. Yes, it is two weeks before Christmas and I know the stores are crowded, but the atmosphere was one of dread and gloom. Here was a line of people, no one talking, no smiles, standing in silence, gloomy looking and waiting. What has happened to Christmas? What has happened? Anticipating the remembrance of the birth of Christ just fills me with thankfulness to a merciful God that sent the Savior for me...for you! As I walked back toward my vehicle, it hit me like a ton of bricks. There staring me straight in the face was the answer. GOT JESUS? The words hit me and pierced my heart. I have had this tag on the front of my vehicle since 1996. Over the years as I replaced vehicles, the tag was moved to the front of each vehicle I drove. I cannot tell you how it has blessed me with thumbs up, smiles, truckers honking and waves. There have been so many people who have acknowledged that "Yes, I have Jesus!" The people standing in line today, looked like they needed an intro to Jesus... Who is the real reason for their gift giving and the entire Christmas season. Yet there were no smiles, no joy, no conversing with those along side of them to spread a bit of pleasantry or show a bit of His Light to one another. It made me want to run back into that store, stand in the doorway and exclaim "Hey, let me tell you about WHY we celebrate this season! It is not really about gifts or Santa, but about Someone who came to save your life! Now THAT is something to smile and shout about! If a thief came into this store and held you captive or placed a gun to your head, would you be thankful for someone who could intercede and save your life? Of course! Well Jesus did come to save your life. Can I tell you more? " Of course my husband would not be pleased when the police headquarters called regarding his wife being held for disturbing the peace and probably inciting some altercation; especially today when so many are so offended by everything we say and do. He would think, "I just asked for some shaving cream!" I love this time of year, I love decorating, singing carols with faith-filled family and friends, sharing joy and laughter and a time of reflecting on "WHO" the season revolves around. I wish it were possible for me to fill the need of everyone I come in contact with. This is an impossibility. But it IS possible for me to try to fill their spiritual need through Christ. Just talking about Him or being sure to say "God" or "Jesus" in my discussions with strangers. I can just scatter some seeds of faith. At a time when we live in a nation that clearly has forgotten God, forgotten it's roots, forgotten it's blessings, forgotten the purpose of family, forgotten how to raise children to know the Lord, forgotten to tell the TRUTH in all things, forgotten what marriage really is, forgotten that a baby in the womb is alive, forgotten that we are accountable for our actions...we have forgotten so much. May we remember and remind others that Christmas is all about Christ. If we begin there, maybe we can turn back what has be pushed aside and bring it back to the forefront of our lives, our family our nation. So as women of faith, may we do our part to remind others it is all about Jesus. I love to say that name! And most importantly ask others... "Got Jesus?" Comments are closed.
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