Waiting to be set free!
A simple frozen leaf....waiting on the warmth of the sun to be set free.
This got me thinking about people who are stuck in bitterness, pain, and darkness. Feeling so trapped, cold and alone, with no help, no warm feeling inside or anywhere, for that matter.
In my opinion, many people have grown cold, to shedding the light and warmth of the SON into lost, trapped lives. The SON, Jesus Christ... is the only way out.
I got up and walked over to the window and I placed my hand over that spot in the window where the leaf was frozen. It took me a while, but I pressed on the thick glass "obstacle" for as long as it took with my warm hand. The thick glass was keeping me from being able to physically touch it but the ice crystals started to loosen and the leaf was set free. Set free to then be carried by the wind to where it was intended to fall on the ground. it was finally released. The leaf is a part of a ground blanket in the winter for insects, just as GOD intended, a small part in His grand design of this world.
Did you know that many butterfly and moth species overwinter in leaf litter?
Luna moths, great spangled fritillaries, woolly bear caterpillars (which become Isabella tiger moths) and red-banded hairstreaks. Some overwinter as eggs, some as pupae and some as adults. I did not realize this until I wondered, "Just what are Fall leaves good for?" Knowing what purpose the leaves serve helps me to understand more of GOD’S master design. I'm a deep thinker - "seek and ye shall find." A warm gentle touch...
God's Holy spirit has had His warm, loving hand on us since the day we were born.
He never left, yet some just keep pushing His hands away. Thank GOD that He leaves the Holy Spirit that stays and presses through until you finally open your heart to receive a shelter in love that is like no other. The fire of His Holy Ghost dwelling inside you! " My dwelling place will be with them; I will be their God, and they will be my people." Ezekiel 37:27 "I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people.” 2 Corinthians 6:16 God desires to touch your life and make it better than it has ever been. He wants to renew your joy! For his anger is but for a moment, and his favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning. Psalm 30:5 God wants to help you. When the world around you feels like it's caving in. As TRUE followers of GOD, we should constantly show GOD’S love to the physical eyes of the lost that can only see love and mercy in their sense, realm. Once the lost of this world, see with their physical eyes, the TRUE love of a human being that GOD uses in His GRAND design, GOD’S glory, reaching out in kindness and warmth... then can you tell them the reason for the kindness and unconditional LOVE that you project. At that very moment, an opportunity arises. You can share your knowledge. Knowledge is power. You can tell them about a LOVE that forgives. A love that shelters and heals. A love that breaks addictions. A love that can stomps the devils butt! A love that will never fail them. The love of a Father that will never leave or forsake them. You can tell them about a forever home! Or you can do what most people sadly do in our daily life... hand them your change and walk on living your normal day to day routine life. I don’t know about you but, I don’t like routine. I do not like NOT having a purpose. He created me, YOU , and everyone else to be more than just mediocre. If you truly love God...
The next time you feel compelled to help someone in anyway, fashion or form, I challenge you to do more than just something physical ( which is awesome ).
Take it a step farther. Tell them about the grace and mercy that compelled you to help, which in turn, will help them not only physically but spiritually. If you want to be an overachiever don’t stop there! Keep pressing on in prayer to take someone out of the status of "LOST" and catapult them into FOUND! We can do ALL things through CHRIST - which strengthens you, me and everyone else. Philippians 4:13 If God said it, I believe it, that settles it.
About Julia... she is a wife, mother and grandmother who wears many hats in life. A professional photographer, musician, artist and bible teacher - just to give you the short list! Her primary focus is Jesus and her heart is open to whatever He may place on her path as His servant. I am so glad He placed her on mine. --- Jo Wilmer
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