Many times there are issues you are going through that you desire not to share with anyone. You keep them deep within and try to cover them up as you go through your day to day life. In the home you are one person, at school or work you are another, and at church you are another. As we get into this spiritual lesson, let's use an example of one issue we do not like to talk about openly -- - our weight. ![]()
Patients hate to get weighed.
There have been instances in the health office where a patient absolutely refused to step on the scale. One women used to have her husband turn around before she got on the scale. Another told me not to say the number out loud, she did not want to know. As they walk toward the detested scale, the excuses flow. Then every ounce of unneeded apparel is, scarf, socks, jewelry. The first foot goes on and I hear, "I just ate lunch. My scale is always less than the doctor's scale. Can I go to the ladies room first? I have been retaining water lately. It must be my thyroid." Why is this number so frightening? There are many reasons why being weighed can be such an unpleasant experience. I feel that number the scale shows for the patient should be of no particular embarrassment - it is used to help diagnose and keep track of an ongoing issue in your healthcare. Yet to the patient, it comes with a stigma and hits a sensitive emotional nerve. There is such fear in being "judged" by what others see. Next time you feel this way, remember this note I once saw: "This scale will only tell you the numerical value of your gravitational pull. It will not tell you how beautiful you are, how much your friends and family love you, or how amazing you truly are!" Another example of "innermost issues" can be given when we find ourselves in a new group of people. Are you intimidated by walking into a new church? ![]() Have you felt uncomfortable thinking that you are being judged and must strive to be the best you can for the sake of acceptance? Are you concerned that if they knew the real you, your real past and the real issues you are going through, that you will not be accepted? Are you embarrassed by the "real" you?
STOP. Yes, stop.
Reach for your bible. Open it up to Psalm 139 and read with me this intensely personal psalm. It speaks of God’s absolute and sovereignty over our lives. The almighty Creator who made us, watched us being formed within our mother's womb, is the very same God who sees, feels and knows every thought and emotion of our very being. There is nothing to hide!
David prayed to God and understood that He had personal knowledge of him.
David knew the true God cared to search and to know each man and woman. Look again... it states, YOU know, YOU understand, YOU comprehend! YOU have hedged me behind and before - what protection! As a child is comforted that a loving parent watches over them; we can be confident in the love and care of God our Father, · It’s not just that God knows everything, He knows me. · It’s not just that God is everywhere, He is everywhere with me. · It’s not just that God created everything, He created me. God knows the number of hairs on our head (Matthew 10:30). God knows the smallest aspects of our everyday life. "Such knowledge is too wonderful for me," David understood that God knew him better than he knew himself. God knew every good thing we would ever do, before we were made. He also knew every bad, sorrowful and hurtful thing we’d ever do --- but loves us and protects us anyway. God asks you now: Do you think "I" do not know? I know you, and love you! Lift you head! Step on that scale! Praise God for all He does for you and will do. Be bold for Him and be the woman HE desires you to be. GO & TELL others of His saving grace. Comments are closed.
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