I have been blessed to live in a beautiful warm place.
I thank God that I can be refreshed by the warmth of the sun, the smell of the ocean air and the sights and sounds of the seagulls and doves.
Most of us love the experience of sitting at the water's edge as the waves come and go refreshing our body. We feel as if we are being recharged. Our mind is calmer, our spirit is quiet, and we feel comforted by the warm feeling of digging our toes into the warm sand.
Did you know, it is a fact that...
being in nature, or even viewing scenes of nature, reduces anger, fear, and stress and increases pleasant feelings. Exposure to nature not only makes you feel better emotionally, it contributes to your physical well-being, reducing blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and the production of stress hormones. Yes, it feels good to be walking on the beach and exposed to all the "good" that God has given for my well-being. But as I walked the beach and observed all the beauty that surrounded me, I was focused on what I could NOT see. I could not "see" it but I certainly could "feel" it. The wind.
Have you ever given thought to what a blessing the wind is?
If you have ever had the experience of being out on the water sailing, you will understand how hot and helpless you can feel when everything is "dead" still and there is not even a subtle breeze. Without the wind, moist air cannot move around. Water might still evaporate but it won't travel; meaning anywhere away from a large body of water will quickly dry up. Plants, animals and humans would die from dehydration. The short answer is: With no wind, life dies.
Our God is One who gives us blessings that we often overlook.
The wind, the breeze that blows across our face, is vital to life. May we thank Him daily and praise Him for His continual goodness. Living in the mountains, I know that Fall is a season that even though it reflects plant life coming to the end of it's season, people look forward to the colors, crispness and the "crunch" of the season. I love walking through the woods and hearing the "crunch" of the leaves beneath my feet. The sound of the wind in the forest and the rustling of the leaves on the forest floor have enchanted many over time. So much so that there is a word for this sound... psithurism. (sith-err-iz-um) Two more favorites of mine are apricity (the warmth of the sun in winter) and moonglade (the track of moonlight shining on water). I know right now you can imagine feeling the first one and you can see the second beautiful moonlight in your mind. Back to the blessing of the wind. . . You cannot hold it in your hand, you cannot stop it, you cannot see it, yet it is there, with no beginning to see and no end to hold it. When I read Isaiah 40: 31, I think of the blessing of the wind. ...but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. Can you imagine the eagle soaring high, gliding along with the wind currents which are holding him up? Years ago, when I first heard the song, “Wind Beneath My Wings” it made me think of how Christ is my wind. Yes, she is singing about human love, but for me I knew it related to my Lord. He IS the wind that keeps me moving along when the trials of this world cause me to grow weary and can push me toward the ground. HE keeps me flying and lifted up when I feel as if I cannot go on. We can soar to heights we never thought possible and be lifted up as the eagle by the wind God places in us... His Spirit. Even when the trials are pressing in on you, go to your quiet place and talk with the Lord. His Spirit will lift you up if you fully trust in Him. When you feel as if you are in the bottom of the pit, when you cannot cry anymore, when your heart is trampled on, when you think you cannot take anymore...ask HIM to allow you to soar with HIS wind beneath you, holding you up. Ask Him, Allow Him to be the wind beneath your wings! The wind that you experience so often against your face and body will take on a whole new meaning to you, as you relate it to HIS wind. Remember without the wind, there is no life. With HIS spiritual wind within you...you can soar my dear friend! Comments are closed.
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