Imagine the world you walk in daily as a field of "high" grass. As you move along through your daily routine, you give no thought as to what may be lurking up ahead, hidden from view. We know not what each new day may bring, yet we move along through the high grass, trusting that all will be just fine. One day we may be smiling and carefree and the next day be walking through briers filling each step with tears. This reminds me of Psalm 126. The Jews escaped the captivity of the Babylonians and were returning to the Promise Land after 70 years of exile. They were joyful as the moved toward their homeland and the joy turned to tears of sorrow as they saw their beloved Jerusalem a wasteland and in ruins. (Read Ezra 1 and Nehemiah 1 & 2) Psalm 126:5 reads, "They that sow in tears shall reap in joy." Have you thought about how your tears can be seeds that are planted, that then in turn will grow into a harvest of joy? When we find ourselves faced with heartache and tears, and wonder when it will end, we can reflect on Psalm 126:5. Each new day God will give you strength for the day. It is for certain that God allows trials to strengthen us spiritually, yet we can sow in tears, for we know that He will allow us to reap a great harvest of joy. We must never stop trusting, never stop moving forward, never stop walking through the grass; for we know there is a wonderful joy up ahead! ![]() As we continue to walk in His strength, whether in joy or tears, it is always comforting to know that there are others willing to walk with us. Faith-filled friends are those we call on to prayer for us, to encourage us and to come along side and walk with us. When we are lonely, upset, angry or hurting...this is when the enemy (satan) will try to lead you down the wrong path. At your weakest moment, when you are vulnerable, this is when the enemy strikes. Choose today to bond with faith-filled women. As with so many here on "M" Words, we may not know each other face to face, but we do know each other heart to heart! To those reading this, know that you are loved and prayed for.Comments are closed.
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