Why are you here? Have you given it much thought? Sit in a quiet place and ask yourself, "Why am I here reading this right now?' What is YOUR purpose in this life? As you sit and think, there is an entire universe working in perfect timing and harmony. The sun, planets, stars, seasons, tides...perfectly timed to enable life to thrive. So what do you believe caused all this to be? An accident? An explosion? By chance? Why are you here? What is your purpose in life? ![]() Nothing in life is an accident. There IS a God and God does not make mistakes. His divine nature is clearly seen in nature. Look around you. Do you see Him? An amazing God surrounds you with His presence. Romans 1:20 tells us that His invisible divine nature is clearly seen - can you see Him? For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power. Psalm 19:19 proclaims "the heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork." Yes, the heavens declare His glory! The stars shout, "Look up, look at all He has done!" When Moses asked God, "Can I see your face?" God responds that no man can see His face and live. Even the angels covered themselves, crying "Holy, holy, holy!" In Acts 17:25, we read, "the God who made the world...He gives all life and all breath and all things." You are not here by mistake. HE determined the time of your birth and orchestrates your life. He is close to you, always, even at this very moment. It is no coincidence that you are reading these words right now. HE is by your side, as His purpose for your life is to draw you toward Him. At this moment He has you right here, reading. It is just another step toward Him. We are made to bring Him glory, just like the star lite night sky. But wait you say? All things are not so beautiful? Why does He allow pain in this world? Why did the God who created laughter create tears also? Why was my loved one taken? Why did my husband leave me? Why are my friends so uncaring? This is not the way it was meant to be. In Genesis 1 we read God gave Adam and Eve a perfect world. They disobeyed Him. Tempted by the devil, they chose to rebel and ate of the tree they were told not to eat of! That sin changed everything...sin and death entered the world. Yet God promised that one day we could enjoy a heavenly place with Him. James 1:2 teaches us to consider it all joy when we are tested, they we may be perfect and complete. Going through difficult times strengthens us spiritually. Allow these trials to have their perfect result. Making it through the pain will make you complete, drawing you closer to Him. When we prepare a cake, we add different ingredients. Each separately does not taste too good. But when you mix them all together, the result is a delight! When we have withstood the tests, we will be spiritually strengthened to continue on. Sure loving God is easier when all is going smoothly... but enduring the trials, do you cling to Him? The person who endures the trial is blessed. No matter how painful at the time, many look back and see that it was through the pain that they came to know God more. Looking back I can see the trials that HE carried me along and I praise Him for bringing me through and pursuing Him more. If this is my last day on this earth, I must KNOW what I will face when this life is over. I am sure, I know what I will face, for I have trusted Jesus as my Savior. I am not a perfect woman, just a forgiven woman. The Bible speaks so much about the love of God - He loves His creation and does not desire for anyone to be left without the opportunity to become His child. He loves His creation so much that He provided a way for all to be saved. He sent His son. Do you have a child? Can you imagine having that child take your place for a punishment you deserve? (Romans 5:8) God does not desire to punish us for our sin, but He is just. This is why He sent His son, Jesus to suffer for our sin, the punishment that we deserve. This holy and fair God is a God of love. His son paid for our sin, and we can be cleansed of sin - forgiven, made new. Christ arose and is alive today! Despite all that we are ashamed of and our past mistakes we can be cleansed. If you believe Christ can cleanse you, you can have His gift of eternal life. At this moment, this is where God has placed you. You were meant to read this - God brought you here. There are no coincidences with God. Do you want to begin a relationship with Christ? Right now, you can ask Him to forgive, cleanse and live within you. This is the MOST PRECIOUS news you can read. We all need to make the choice to come to Christ or to reject His offer to cleanse and forgive. Romans 10:9 - ...that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. You must say with your mouth, "I want You Lord Jesus to be my Savior." 1 John 3: 16 By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. If you have not come to Christ for cleansing, I pray you will ask Him right now. It is a decision that is a matter of life or death. Yes, the majority of the world will not make life easy for you as a Christian. But when Christ places the Holy Spirit within you, you are not left to struggle here alone. He gives you a new heart and a new Spirit. There are others who will come along side of you, such as myself and your christian family (brothers and sisters in Christ). Life is changed - you are His. There is a purpose in life - you are His. It is not about religion, it is about a relationship with Jesus. Romans 8:11 But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you. The amazing news is this! Christ forgives, cleanses and makes you new within. You have this wonderful mission as you go back to your life at home, work, school. Life is different now - you are changed from the inside out! You have a Lord and Savior now. You can live on His mission for your life, sharing what He has done for you. You can find comfort and peace for this journey, until He comes one day to take you where there is no more pain, no more sickness, no more of the trials that this world holds. Thank You Lord Jesus. Comments are closed.
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