It has often been said that April showers bring May flowers. The month of April, traditionally a rainy period, gives way to May, when flowers will bloom because of the water provided to them by the April rains. When we are sheltered indoors, and long for the sunshine of Spring, these showers may cause us to frown and pout. But as I look out the window today at the rain falling down, I am reminded that despite the gloom of the past several months, there is rejoicing and Light up ahead.
Tomorrow many will head off to church services and be reminded of the journey of Christ on a donkey, into the city of Jerusalem (Palm Sunday). As we begin this Holy Week ahead of remembering and focusing in our hearts what took place (for us), may we stop and find a place of quiet and solace to draw close to Christ. This time marks a most important and significant time in all begins with a ride on a donkey as Jesus begins His journey towards the cross. Who was there for Christ?
The one person who stands out to me at this moment is the apostle John. For as Jesus moves closer to the cross, everyone in fear has fled His side. If we were there during His time of agony, would we too have fled?
John is often referred to as "the one whom Jesus loved." The Gospel of John is the only Gospel which mentions “the disciple whom Jesus loved.” John 13:23 tells us, "One of them, the disciple whom Jesus loved, was reclining next to Him." John 19:26 declares, "When Jesus saw His mother there, and the disciple whom He loved standing nearby, He said to His mother, 'Dear woman, here is your son.'" John 21:7 says, “Then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, ‘It is the Lord!’” This disciple is never specifically identified, but the identity of the disciple whom Jesus loved is clear. The disciple whom Jesus loved is John, the son of Zebedee and brother of James.
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