In an instant we feel alone, as if God has forgotten and abandoned us. Our circumstance seems to nudge us to question God in this moment. In Psalm 42:3 the psalmist wrote, My tears have been my meat day and night, while they continually say unto me, "Where is your God?" As the psalmist is being confronted with what is being asked, he challenges the question. He speaks to his own self in question and in reassurance. Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God; for I shall yet praise him For the help of his countenance. - Psalm 42:5 Why am I so depressed? Why is this turmoil within me? Place your hope in God! Rather than focus on the downcast spirit and the sorrow of the moment, the psalmist reaffirms his faith in God. Hope is renewed and takes root deep within! This is what we too must do my friend in the midst of our sorrow, trial and tears. We place our trust in our heavenly Father who knows our deepest hurt and feels our anxiety soar. There is nothing that we experience or feel that He is unaware of. There is a Scripture verse that is very special to me; one that I have clung to in many times of sorrow and stress. It hangs on the wall at the entrance of the kitchen, so it is in plain view for me to glance at and smile with reassurance. The words question me, "Do you not know?" Yes, Jo, you do rest in God. I can trust God with any situation. His way for me may twist and turn, but I will trust my Lord to lead me through. There is SO much I cannot see and may not understand, but God makes no mistakes; and so I place my hope in Him. Comments are closed.
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