How I wish I could be sitting with you face to face; to see you specific circumstance and what you are doing right at this moment in your life. You may find yourself alone, with all around you seeming so distant, or you may be sitting at your desk after juggling kids and morning demands. Are you ill and lying in a hospital bed reading this? Have you lost your job and feel defeated? Are you struggling to juggle work, school and pleasing those around you? Such are the seasons of life...our lives are ever changing. Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter...what is your favorite time?
God surely knew what He was doing when He created the 4 seasons. Our spiritual lives are just like those 4 seasons. SPRING Everything seems to be fresh, new and blooming! Spiritually, this may represent when we first come to know Christ, come for cleansing and we are given new life. "If anyone be in Christ, they are a new creature; old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." (2 Corinthians 5:17) This also may be a time when our relationship with Christ has been strengthened by drawing close to Him through His Word, surrounding ourselves with fellow believers and through prayer. Our lives feel refreshed and our walk of faith feels alive and fresh. SUMMER We come to a more relaxed time. We feel confident and stable in our next level of spiritual maturity. At most times our lives seem consistent, but there may be some pretty hot periods of spiritual struggle and sudden storms that will test our faith and the deepness of our roots. God can use this time of turbulent trials not only to mold and shape us in our growth, but also to strengthen our walk of faith and open our mind to appreciate the seasons of peace when they are present. FALL As the leaves float to the ground we are reminded of the things in life that float away; those things that are out of our control in life. It may be children leaving the home, a time when we must move away from our secure place and move on to a new place leaving friends behind. Yet we must always remember that it is all in preparation for the new things that God is bringing! Some circumstances bring relief when they fall away; habits that take hold of us, chains of materialism, things that occupy our time that have no eternal reward. Often there are things that we just don't understand such as the loss of a job or the loss of our health. As we doubt and ask "why," we remember Elijah who went through such a hot "summer season" dealing with Ahab, Jezebel and the prophets of Baal. AFter his victory for God on Mount Carmel, he ran into the wilderness filled with fear and doubting God. He experienced a season of falling away, yet God was consistently faithful. WINTER Ahhh.... a time of cooling. A time when the joy and beauty and variety of the other season have long faded away. Now the weary soul can take a break and slow down. At times this season may seem dreary and confining - but even this time is needed for the new growth that is to come in the Spring. Yes, God in His wisdom has provided seasons of rest for life on the earth. He knows that we, as His children, also need a time of rest. Remember, no matter which of the spiritual season it feels like you are in, there is HIS purpose taking place. He is working in and through us. When those gloomy, overcast days come, remember that even though we cannot see the SON, He is there! Thank God for His loving comfort and care through all of our seasons. Comments are closed.
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