There is SO much, now as an adult woman, that I would love to express to my mother if she were here today. I would love to tell her about Jesus and how He changed my life - and that I forgive her. Sadly there was never an opportunity. My mother passed at age 54 and we did not have a normal mother/daughter relationship. Coming from a dysfunctional and at times, abusive family atmosphere, I longed to be as far away from the home I was raised in since I was in my early teen years. It is a sad situation to look back on, but one that changed the course for my own life. ![]() As I look back, I am thankful for a grandmother that saw my pain and understood the importance of showering me with her love and affection. She showed me how important a motherly figure is in the life of a young girl. She was the motherly example I needed in my life. Grandmother Felicia was always comforting and giving. She explained to me how she prayed for God to provide and guide in all she did. Living alone with her poodle Snoopy, she always was there for me when I needed someone. We very rarely were allowed to visit her, so when I was old enough to drive, her home was a place of refuge. She showed me that while she was alone, she never really was alone, for God provided and sustained her. In her youth she studied ballet and music. She gardened, she was a seamstress, she was health-minded, she was a piano teacher and she was outspoken if need be. She was the only person I knew at that time (1970's), who was very vocal about the harmful effects of smoking and second-hand smoke. She pushed for smoke-free areas in grocery stores and physician offices. They all laughed at her. She was just a sweet woman trying to warn others of what she "knew" in her heart was harming people unaware. Her glowing smile and shining blue eyes, welcomed me as her almost five foot frame stood in the doorway as I drove into the yard. What would I have done without her? I do not know. I would come to her for comfort, for normality. As she played her piano and I relaxed on her sofa curled up and content, a calm would rest within. As Mother’s Day approaches, I’ve been thinking about what a blessing it is to have these special women in our lives. They are the precious mothers, grandmothers, and special women who have impacted our lives and have loved us beyond measure. The lessons that we learned from them have influenced every part of our lives. From planting that first seed of faith, to nurturing and mentoring us in our walk of faith. As I see my own daughter raising her own little girl in a world filled with hugs and kisses, my prayer is that she too will teach little Claire of the unchanging love of the Lord, and follow His path for her life. As I see my daughter teach ABC's and nursery rhymes, I hope to be blessed to see Claire grow into the woman of grace God desires her to be. Yes my dear friend, we are beneficiaries of mothers, grandmothers and other women who love the Lord, who pray, who walk in obedience and faith. In a world that is quickly losing the light of Truth, I pray for a generation of women who will continue to speak of and show the light of Christ to young girls and women. What a better time than Mother’s honor the women who have impacted our life and spiritual journey! Take time to let them know how much they mean to you with a handwritten card or inspirational gift. And for those who are no longer with us, like my Grandmother Felicia, why not write them a little note in your journal to reflect on and celebrate their lives? Leave a message of encouragement for others to read one day. Our words live on long after we are gone. May we honor the women who have impacted our lives... and let us pray for those that will follow us. Few years back, I disabled the ability to leave comments in my blogs. Anti-christian comments were frequent so they were disabled. Once again I have added the "comments" section at the end of each blog. This time I hope to keep them open. So feel free to share your thoughts. - Jo
5/7/2018 10:37:54
My mom has made a huge positive impact on my life. She put herself through school to become a nurse. She raised us on being a nurse. She became more than a nurse she is a hospice nurse and has been for over 30 years. It really takes a special person to work in hospice. My mom did a lot of struggling with being is hospice. She spent a lot of time crying and attending funerals for the families. She really got close to the patients and the families. I asked her one day why she does it if she cries so much over it and is depressed. She told me that what she gets out of it SO MUCH more than the sadness. She said to help people and families in their last days to bring peace and happiness is beyond words and she would never change that. She is amazing thank you god for looking over her and making her who she is for her me and everyone she touches and everyone all hospice nurses care for. Comments are closed.
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