The woman believed to have inspired artist J. Howard Miller’s World War II poster called “Rosie the Riveter,” died this past Saturday at the age of 96. Her name was Naomi Fraley and she was only 20 years old when she went to work at the Naval Air Station in Alameda, California right after Japan had attached Pearl Harbor. It is said that she and her sister were assigned the work of drilling and patching airplane wings and riveting. Naomi along with her sister were part of a force of women who entered the workforce trying to pick up the slack left by men who had left and gone off to fight in World War II. They served in many ways, leaving their kitchens and home duties behind to drive trucks, volunteer for the Red Cross, assembling planes and many other tasks previously done by men. They flew planes and drove heavy equipment. Their service is admirable. I look up to these women and desire to thank them for unselfishly giving of themselves to step in when our nation needed it. The stepped into a new era of women serving their nation with pride. then we come to today...Like many of you, I have been shocked and heartbroken by the sights and words of some of the women in the Women's March. It is an embarrassment, honestly, to see the signs, hear the vulgarity and witness women dressed as a vagina. To me, these women are lacking. They lack the confidence to truly be themselves. They do NOT represent me. A woman who is proud of her femininity and yet emotionally strong enough to also work in the real world. I will not whine for attention. I will hold my head high and state proudly that I am a woman of faith who thanks God for how He made me and the talents He has blessed me with. Certainly I am against any kind of abuse toward women. If you were improperly treated by a man, why did you wait 40 years? Now you speak? Where was your strength and mouth to speak for women back then? Women of faith - please know it is going to get harder to live in a world that is totally blind to any form of spirituality. These women cannot say they "know" God and parade around as a vagina and demand to kill the unborn. Women of faith - please know that working for the Lord and in His ministry is a must, not a maybe for you. If He lives in you, you take Him wherever you go. As we work in offices, schools, hospitals, hotels, finance and more...we bring our faith with us. Most women today in the workforce also continue the responsibility of wife, mother and homemaker. Along with that PLEASE place the responsibility of being HIS worker above all. Our influence in a world that no longer desires to "see" God is vital! Women of faith - you can also speak boldly about your femininity, love for the unborn, sanctity of marriage and the family. I do not expect the woman who does not know Christ to see the world through our eyes. They cannot possibly understand or feel the conviction and guidance of the Lord in what she chooses. It is not until she has asked the Lord for cleansing and humbly asks to be His child, that she can then see with her spiritual eyes. Until then she sees the world through natural eyes. Pray for these women. They are so misguided. They need Christ. the woman of faith...Whenever I take the bull by the horns and write a post such as this, there are many that unsubscribe to my emails. That is fine. The Lord replaces them with women who desire to come to know Him better. Lord help the women who need their eyes opened! Comments are closed.
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