What if...
After battling emotional and physical pain after our head-on accident in 2005, I sometimes found myself repeating two words, "what if." Have you ever done that? It's easy, when the past comes to haunt you, to re-imagine the events of that tragic day and think of events - if they were somehow rearranged, may have had a different outcome. Visiting the world of "what if" is not a place any of us should dwell in. What if we had taken longer to eat lunch, what if we drove slower and avoided passing in the path of the driver who came into our lane, what if we stopped for peach ice cream. Yes, I was asked if I wanted to stop, and said, "No." Oh, I cannot tell you how many times I regretted not saying yes to peach ice cream. But dwelling in this world as a women of faith, we must place the past behind and now focus on the world of "what is." For in our world of "what is," we find HIS hope, strength, comfort and encouragement to move forward in life. We are assured of His helpful presence, for He is the God of all comfort (2 Cor. 1-3 and Psalm 46:1). We all desire to avoid the heartache and trials in this life, but as we do run into hard times, we know that our greatest source of help comes from our loving Father, who assures us He will enable us to live in the world of "what is." Abba Father, You alone know my heart. You know the "what if's" that I may sometimes find myself dwelling on. Help me to understand that You know the end from the beginning, and nothing happens in my life that does not pass by Your eyes first. Help me to live in the "what is" and live for You. For there I find my comfort. In Jesus' name. Amen. Comments are closed.
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