Sadly many of us procrastinate when it comes to coming face to face with our faith.
It is not unusual to hear someone say, "Oh yeah, I believe in God." But one day they will understand, hopefully not too late, that that is not enough. Most wait until they are broken and drained. Most wait until they are at the bottom of the pit of sorrow. Most wait until they just feel they can't go on. Why do they wait until they reach that point? Life is good until... sickness, loss, fear, depression, financial ruin, loneliness. Then they find they can't go on. They seek help often in all the wrong places, from the wrong people. Yet the ONE who gave us life is waiting... waiting for us to look up; waiting for us to reach up. Your struggle may not go away, but it can be made bearable. All we need to is look up and reach out. We must come with a humble heart, asking Christ to cleanse us and make us new. We release our life to Him. Then He takes our life and renews us!
"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live IN Him, rooted and built up IN Him, strengthened IN the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." -Colossians 2:6-7 So let me ask you, "Are you overflowing with thankfulness?" Praise God, I am! Dear friend, HE never wanted you to feel broken. HE never wanted you to struggle through this life alone. HE wants to carry you. Let Him carry you. Just yesterday, I spoke with a woman by phone, who I have not met face to face yet. She is struggling. She is alone. She has no one to share her sorrow with. She is depressed and at the bottom of the pit. As I prayed for her and explained how she is NOT alone, she was comforted. BUT... she needs Christ living within her to spiritually strengthen her and allow her to move forward and up and out of her pit. I pray she will realize that Jesus never meant for us to walk this life alone. I hope to meet with her soon and offer her the opportunity to truly know Christ. For He is there waiting. He waits with His arm stretched out for us to reach up and be made whole. I pray she will grab His hand. If you have not reached up, I pray you will too. Comments are closed.
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