*Find your quiet spot, get alone and read.
Walking together...
It was hot. The sun shone brightly down on them as they walked along together. The sandy, rock-filled road under their feet caused a crunching sound that competed with the soft conversation among them. The sound of laughter and continual discussion as they walked was evident of a genuine friendship and closeness among them.
It was not long ago that they left all behind - where they would end up or what this new life would bring them was uncertain; but each had their own story to tell. There was a change in their life, and their hearts and minds were focused on only one thing - following. If they could speak to you at this moment, they would turn to you with kind eyes and a gentle heart and ask you to come along with them, to come walk and follow. But before you can walk along with these women, you must have "come" to Christ. Take time to listen to this video. Listen closely to the words...they are below. Listen twice, three times. . .feel with your heart "why" they passionately follow. Are you ready to "come to Christ" and follow?
Are you hurting and broken within?
Overwhelmed by the weight of your sin? Jesus is calling. Have you come to the end of yourself Do you thirst for a drink from the well? Jesus is calling. O come to the altar - The Father's arms are open wide! Forgiveness was bought with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Leave behind your regrets and mistakes. Come today there’s no reason to wait- Jesus is calling. Bring your sorrows and trade them for joy From the ashes a new life is born Jesus is calling. O come to the altar - The Father's arms are open wide! Forgiveness was bought with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. O come to the altar - The Father's arms are open wide! Forgiveness was bought with the precious blood of Jesus Christ! Oh what a savior - Isn't He wonderful? Sing hallelujah,…Christ is risen! Bow down before Him - for He is Lord of all. Sing hallelujah...Christ is risen! Now that you have listened and heard the words of "why" these women follow and "why" they desire to tell the world of the treasure they have found - will you walk along? So just who were these women? Where were they headed?
These women were those "certain women" that I often talk about here at "M" Words.
Together they walked along confidently - following and trusting the "One" who has made all things new in their life. Christ called out to them to "Come!" His arms were open wide and He has taken their hurt and brokenness. They have come to see that He IS the Messiah, He IS the promised One. They have left behind all and now they follow where He leads. All in their life has been traded for the joy of following! So I ask, "Where are you going?" I am not talking to "all of you" as a group - but to "you" as an individual. Where are you going? You may say, "Well I am a Christian." That may be, but are you following, listening to Him, letting Him guide your steps, allowing Him to use your life for His purpose? God has known you from your mother's womb right up to this second... do you trust Him? Who do you trust? You may respond stating - your mother, father, friend, husband, or a church leader. If I told you to close your eyes for the rest of the day and allow me to guide your every step, would you trust me? It is for certain that we should not trust or follow just any person. The One we should be trusting and following first - is Christ. Our trust in Him first, is the foundation for our life. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own wisdom. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy ways. Proverbs 3: 4-6 Trust + Following Him = Confidence and calm as we walk along in His will. Each of us must walk following the footsteps He has planned for us, as an individual. Have you stopped to give much thought to YOU? Think on YOUR purpose here in this life, the life that really is His - not yours. Really, have you stopped to talk to God in prayer as to what He desires you to accomplish for Him? You should dear friend, you should. These women who are walking along, following Jesus are no longer "ordinary" women. They are "certain women" who are now confident in the new life that lives within them. They are confidently walking with the Savior not through anything of themselves, but through the power of the One true God that they now serve. Walking along on the path that we choose, we will face the unknown...but walking on His path, we know that He has already planned up ahead what we will face. With His Word He lights our path and strengthens our heart for what lies ahead. We know that what lies up ahead is already known to Him and He will enable us to follow along to the planned end He has intended. Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path. Psalm 119:105 Let us talk a bit about the women of Luke...
Luke's Gospel is sometimes called "the Gospel of Women" because, more than any other one, it makes special mention of how caring Jesus was to the needs of women and also of how involved women were in His ministry.
It begins with Mary, the young virgin in Luke 1:38. She states, "Let it be unto me, according to thy word." She is willing to be the servant of God and humbly follows His plan. We then meet Elizabeth, who already has been blessed with pregnancy (John the Baptist) and knows (prophetically) already that Mary is blessed with a special child to carry (Luke 1:39-55). Luke 2:36 moves on to introduce us to Anna, a woman of great age, a widow for about 84 years, so she is very elderly. She is a woman of strength who prays day and night in the temple, abandoning herself totally to God. As a result of her dedication, she is one of the first to bear witness to Jesus, the promised Messiah to the Jews. As her eyes now have seen the promised One, she is content to die, for she has seen the Savior of the world. In Luke 8:41-56 there are "2" women that are healed. A man named Jarius asks Jesus to come to his home, for his daughter that is just 12 years old is dying. As Jesus walks, he is swarmed with people. A woman having a flow of blood for 12 years desperately desires to reach Jesus. She has spent all her money on physicians and she could not be helped. She reaches out for the hem of His garment, and immediately the flow of her blood ceased! Now a woman with her issue of bleeding was rendered "unclean." Surely she must have lived a life of isolation and desperation for 12 years, suffering alone. "Who touched me?" Christ knew, but asks. She must have been startled, for she came trembling in front of Jesus and declared to everyone there of her issue and her healing! Jesus tells all, "her" faith has made her well. God gives us all a measure of faith to direct to Him; without faith - it is impossible to please God.
Jesus continues walking to the home of Jarius - but soon He is told that the daughter of Jarius has already died. "Don't be afraid, only believe," Jesus tells them. Mourners are already at the home when Jesus arrives. Jesus tells the mourners to go outside. He takes the girl by the hand and her spirit returns to her body. She is made whole.
So here we have two women - one young, one older. They both touched Jesus that day, and were completely healed. One young woman of 12 is completely made whole after dying, the other is now completely made whole after suffering for 12 years. The number 12 in prominent in the Bible. The Old Testament states there were 12 sons of Jacob and those sons formed 12 tribes of Israel. The New Testament tell us that Jesus was 12 years old when he speaks with wisdom and questions the scholars in the temple. In Revelation we learn that the kingdom of God has 12 gates, the wall of the city has 12 foundations and is guarded by 12 angels. Yes, the number 12 has a symbolic reference of "completeness." When Christ touches our lives, we are made into a completely new person! I ask this, "Have you been touched by Jesus?" For once your life has been touched by Christ, you are never the same! There is a new found desire to follow and to walk His path.
Let us continue walking through Luke...
Luke 7: 36-50 introduces us to an unnamed woman that everyone knew was a great sinner. Without any hesitation she falls to His feet and begins wiping them with the tears falling from her face. She anoints them with oil and wipes His feet with her hair. All the while she is kissing His feet and worshiping Him on her knees. This woman’s worship of Jesus was at a great cost to her. It cost her the expensive vial of perfume, and the humility to kiss, wash, and dry the dirty feet of the Lord Jesus. But there was a higher price than this paid by the woman. In my opinion, the greatest price which she paid was facing the scorn and rejection of the self-righteous Pharisees and other dinner guests at that meal. But she fell to His feet and lovingly worshiped. Oh, how I remember the day that I myself fell to my knees and asked for cleansing of sin. I saw with my heart and understood that Christ was my Life Preserver and I reached out for Him! When Simon remarks that the woman who touches Him is a sinner, Jesus explains, "Those who are aware of what they have been forgiven of - love much." All sin has placed Jesus on the cross. Jesus comforts her with the words, "Thy faith has saved thee, go in peace." Mary and Martha are two women who both loved Jesus (Luke 10:38). Yet one is busy preparing food to serve and one is sitting at His feet. We all can imagine the frustration Martha must have had in her heart as she most likely felt overwhelmed and sees Mary sitting at Jesus' feet. Yet, Mary has chosen rightly, to sit and focus on Christ. As we look at quick snapshots of the lives of these women mentioned above, we should be motivated. We see hearts of service, hearts of strength, hearts humbled, hearts mended. The God to whom they were so committed to is the same God today who desires for us to "come." He is the same God who desires to mold us and use ordinary women who become "certain women." Yes, it can be difficult to be a "certain woman," but my God is the same One true God who was with those certain women who walked the dusty roads with Jesus. Together we will walk. Are you ready? Where do your talents lie?
We all are given special qualities to use in our walk with Him.
What talent/gift do you possess that you can use in His service? Not everyone desires to teach in a church class or sing in the choir. Many years ago I met a woman named Deb who was very shy and felt as if she could never approach people and talk about Jesus. She also physically could not get around too well. After much prayer, she was led to open the telephone book and reach out. Randomly she chose a few people each day and mailed out Gospel pamphlets. This was her ministry. Only God knows how many she impacted for Him. Some may be busy with college study or working full time. Others may be unable to physically volunteer at church. Do you sew? Are you a good cook? Are you a good listener? Do you love spending time praying for others? Can you visit those in need? Do you have time to write notes of encouragement? Is there time in your week to take someone to lunch? Maybe you can begin a blog, like mine! I can help you. There IS a gift that you can share with someone. Just sitting with someone and being HIS light to them is serving. Take time this week in prayer to ask God how HE desires for you to be His servant. Our God can still do amazing things in the lives of women who are willing to walk together, for Him. Below is one story that I believe can inspire.
Have a blessed week, until we spend time together again!
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