Why so much anger? Why so much disagreement? Why is there such a great divide? What is happening? Why so much turmoil, disagreement, hate, crime, depression? It is NOT the government, our school, TV, Hollywood or the Internet. What is the "real" problem in America? WHY are we such a broken nation? It is OUR sin. Yes, OUR sin. His people have been silent while darkness has moved over our land. Silence is sin when we know to speak His truth. When we SO rebel against a holy and loving God, we will suffer for it. Today, people are offended if we mention sin. God is too loving. But He is also a righteous God. America is under judgement, we cannot shake our fist in His face and expect to be blessed. He is patient. But for how long? Watch, listen, study His Word. For it is certain, we WILL be judged. His hand is moved away in protection. For God must judge America (or apologize for Sodom and Gomorrah). A faith-filled nation is now a nation filled with fear and anger, confusion and hate. We have been silent in voice and in powerful prayer as clouds of darkness have taken hold of a once God-blessed nation. We have accepted ways that are an abomination to Him. How can we really call ourselves "christian" if we are not Christ-like. So many believe to be Christ-like is to be kind, loving, accepting of all things. But that is so far from the truth of His Word. We are to hate sin, murder (abortion), lies, pride and all things unholy in His eyes. Yes, our God is merciful and forgiving...but He will judge sin. Yet no matter what we have done, God waits for us to run to Him. Unless there is a falling to our knees in forgiveness, with powerful prayer, we are doomed. He saved His people in the past, giving them victory and He can deliver us today! Oh hear American families and those in government...God is waiting for us to turn to Him. I believe we are approaching the cliff in our nation; we are destroying ourselves with sin. Murder, terrorism, rioting, abortion, perversion...He can deliver our nation. He waits. Will we use our secret weapon against sin? What is it? It is PRAYER. It is a powerful weapon when used in submissive will and unfailing trust by genuine children of God! First, be sure you are HIS. For God does not hear the unbelievers prayer... read Psalm 66:18-19 18 If I regard wickedness in mine heart, the Lord will not hear me. 19 But God hath heard me, and considered the voice of my prayer. God waits for His children to ask for what is on their hearts. He delights to give us what is good.
But the privilege of supplication and prayer rests on our relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ. Only those who are part of God's family can claim Him as their Father (John 1:12). Only those can avail themselves of His pledge to answer and hear their prayers. God makes no such commitment to the unbelievers. The only exception is the sinner who asks for forgiveness and receives Jesus as Savior and Lord. As promised, his or her prayer is answered with salvation (Romans 10:9). So let us come to Him for our own cleansing of sin, be saved and be in powerful prayer. Ask, seek, knock, as Christ tells us. God will respond. Comments are closed.
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