It is said love conquers all...fear, anxiety, heartache & loneliness. Does it really? ...‘Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love.’ (Jeremiah 31:3) You can have a love that conquers all. An everlasting love.
Life is hard. Yet when we are faced with the daily ongoing trials of life, our heart sinks inside and we exhale in despair. We wonder, "Why?" Why am I going through this? Why me? Is there anyone who really cares about how I feel and about what I am facing at this moment? Life is often lived by emotions. This is true for the ordinary woman in life. Emotions and circumstances fill every second of her day. She goes moment by moment "hoping" for the good things and only the storybook endings in life. But for the genuine woman of faith (John 3:3 and 1 John 1:9) she understands that she must not live circumstance by circumstance by truly live life by the promises of God. I have stressed "genuine" because so many state they are women of faith or Christians, yet live by the world and not by HIS Word. Living by the world day to day will chip away at your physical and emotional life. Living by His Word clearly shows that you have found your "1" true everlasting love in Christ. It is most certain that we all will face times when we feel like we are falling apart at the seams, but for the woman living by His Word there is no emptiness, no hopelessness, no feeling of abandonment. For the woman of faith there is the promise of the Comforter (John 14-16) living within (HIS strength) that she can draw on. Clearly we have been warned by Jesus that we will, not may face many trials. John 16:33. "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” LOVE - we all seek it. We all can find it through Christ. How can you truly know you have HIS eternal love? My answers is this: "You will explode! You will "feel" the change within." Sound ridiculous? Let me tell you about Katie Davis. Katie was an eighteen-year-old old senior from Nashville, Tennessee who would disobey and disappoint her parents by forgoing college and lose all but a few of her friends (because the rest of them thought she had gone off the deep end). Why was she so passionate about following this inner desire to go so far away? She found the "eternal" love of Christ! She went off to Uganda, eventually adopting several girls. One day, one of her daughters asked, "Mommy, if I let Jesus come into my heart, will I explode?" At first Katie said, "No." However after she thought about her answer, Katie explained that "Yes! When we decide to give our lives and hearts to Jesus, we explode with love and compassion for those who hurt, and we explode with joy for those who rejoice." (Romans 12:15 teaches this) In essence, knowing Christ results in a deep love for those in the world who are hurting and for those who need to be told about "knowing Christ" and this everlasting love only HE can give (the message of salvation). Jesus is the only One who can fill them with an eternal love that will carry them through ALL the trials this life brings. Only JESUS can fill us with inner calm even in the most terrible situations in life. Got Jesus?I have a tag on the front of my SUV that states, "GOT JEUS?" For over 20 years people seeing my tag have honked, waved and given me a thumbs up. I hope you will also be able to give a thumbs up and truly know that you DO have this everlasting love! Remember what Paul tells us about his everlasting love and inner strength: " I can do all things through Christ, which strengthens me." Phil. 4:13 These are words from someone who was abandoned by friends, often beaten, left for dead, placed in shackles, slept on a cold prison floor and never knowing if he'd live to see another sunrise. No, not through anything on our own, but "through" His everlasting love living within. We are never alone. Never hopeless. Never unloved. Never abandoned. Fear has no hold. Read about KATIE at Amazima Ministries Read His promises... His love is eternal!Next time you see a Valentine or hear someone say, “Happy Valentine’s Day,”
remember that Jesus is the ONE who loves you most! He loved you enough to die on the cross for your sin and make you a new woman! He is our 1st love, our eternal love. Comments are closed.
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