It changes the WHOLE situation...Up until this point, he was just another prophet, a good man that was crucified. Up until this point, he was an amazing teacher that changed so many lives through his miracles. Up until this point. Up until this point, he walked and taught, he healed the sick. When the woman caught in adultery was running from the angry mob, she fell to the ground near where Jesus was teaching. According to the law, she deserved the punishment. She sinned. The angry crowd wanted to end her life by stoning. “Let the person who is without sin cast the first stone,” Jesus tells the crowd. Jesus was the only one without sin and he was the only one qualified to throw the first stone. But instead he forgives. She is saved from certain death. Then when the women ran back to tell the others that the tomb was empty... it all changed! Wait... stop the mourning. Stop the crying. It has happened just as He said - but yet the guards state the body was stolen. Who will you believe? As it was then, it is now… doubt, unbelief. So what will you believe? Your life here, and more importantly your life with your last exhale, depends on it. The apostle Paul stated: “If Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith” 1 Corinthians 15:14 So who cares about it all? What difference does it make to me? Why do you & I need to understand CLEARLY what it all means? You must know the answers.The promise of His resurrection wasn’t only His assurance that Jesus would rise from the dead but His bold affirmation that other dead and ruined things (your life & mine) could also one day be brought back to life - an eternal life, through Christ. No resurrection, no hope. No resurrection, death wins. No resurrection, no payment for our sin. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead. Destroyed by His ultimate sacrifice on the cross for the payment of our sin - death loses. Jesus has given us victory over death IF, yes IF, we come to Him for cleansing and a new life in Christ. NEW life. . . sound amazing? It is - in this world you will still face trials and heartache. BUT - hope and comfort live within you, so you can live with boldness and no fear. Now THIS changes everything! New life in Christ… don’t miss it.Comments are closed.
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