![]() There will be times when you cannot get the words out; a time of shear panic, when your mind is moving so fast. The first cry...![]()
It was December 25, 2000 and we just finished eating dinner. It was another sunny 80 degree Florida Christmas and hubby decided to walk out to the pasture and visit with the new horse that we acquired earlier that week.
Something inside told me to stop cleaning the kitchen and go out to the pasture and join him. As he leaned on the fence, he said, "Think I will try her out without a saddle."
My instantaneous words where, "No really, I had her out today and she was VERY skiddish. Get a saddle and let me ride her a bit, I am lighter." But before I could say another word, he was up on her back. She took two steps, bucked with shear wild power and he was in the air. As he came down to almost rest on her back, she bucked again and he was in the air once again. This time she ran, and he hit the ground hard on the bottom of his spine. Climbing over the fence, and running 30 feet towards him, I saw he was unconscious.
As I called his name, no answer. I shook him, no response. I checked for a pulse, nothing. In disbelief I checked his neck pulse, nothing. His lips were gray and there was no breath sounds, no chest movement. Seconds seemed like an hour. I screamed to the children to call 911. As they ran out to the pasture, I yelled to them to stop; instructed them to drive out to the paved road to direct the ambulance. I did not want them near. I looked down, and no movement. I clasped my hands and shouted, "JESUS!" In my mind I was saying, "don't let my husband die." But verbally out loud I was saying, "JESUS!" I knew CPR and I froze looking down at my husband. Then as I realized I HAD to do something NOW, I put my clasped hands onto his chest to begin compressions. Before my hands even touched his chest, he gasped. He began to cough and breath! His body that was limp, his pale white face and his gray lips were now regaining color and his eyes opened. As he tried to get up he collapsed. Unable to move, he was strapped to the stretcher and taken to the ER. He was released later that evening, and there was not even a bruise on his body! Thank You Jesus.
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