Certain things I can't do without...As I sit typing this post, my computer screen is surrounded like a flower with pink sticky notes. If you go into my master bathroom and look into the mirror, you will not only see your face, but a yellow sticky that reads, "Thursday, 8AM, Dentist." Many of us find it hard to keep up in a world that is so fast paced with deadlines and over commitments. Our lives often seem to be squeezed into a limited time frame and anything that cannot fit into that frame is unimportant or unnecessary. This causes us to leave out some very important aspects of life. Time for ourselves, time spent with those we love, time to just sit outdoors and take in all that surrounds us. We miss SO much in life! Have you ever considered that GOD has a plan for every woman? God knows all about our life. He has a plan and a path for us. But are we following it? Are we willing to follow it? What IS His plan for you? His plan...To use you to influence others to come to know Jesus as Savior; as the One and Only who can give them inner peace, inner cleansing and an eternal heavenly home. Wow! How can you possibly be used to help others when you can just about keep your own life on track? This is where we trip up. We focus on our own plan for our own life, instead of trusting Him and following His plan for our life. Read Proverbs 3: 5-6 below. But "I can't" you say...I lack the confidence.
I lack the knowledge. I don't know how to let go and let God lead. I can't reach others for Him, I can't speak with boldness and confidence. Some of these comments sound familiar to your heart? Don't worry. God is ready to pick you up, dust you off, give you wisdom as you read your Bible and get you prepared for the journey He has planned for you. But He waits for you to be willing. How long will you allow Him to wait for you? Christ took your place without hesitation on the cross. He didn't need a sticky note to remind Him that He was on His way to the cross for us. He didn't need white-out to erase our mistakes, He used His own shed blood to erase our sin filled life. That fact alone should humble our hearts and lift our hands and say, "OK Lord, use me!" Stop and surrender today to His plan for your life. You will be amazed at how He will use you. Comments are closed.
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