Remember ye not the former things, neither regard the things of old. Isaiah 43:18-19 What must I do to "begin again" in Christ?
You are not alone. There are genuine Christians who are also on His path. Their path is different than yours. Look at it this way. Christ is in the driver's seat and you are in the passenger seat. When He stops the car, and tells you to get out and talk to people about Him, or to walk awhile and take some rocky paths, it is because He intends for you to meet someone who needs "to hear the Gospel of Salvation." Just be obedient. He is in control. Be blessed. Be content. Be confident. Be assured. Blessings to you on your new beginning, -Jo Wilmer
4/29/2016 12:25:39
Finding your blog and this particular post was right on time with what I was talking to my daughter about yesterday. Thank You. Keep on for Christ. Comments are closed.
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