The sound of a siren. What emotion does it stir up within you? Our first home in the north Georgia mountains was not but 2 miles from the hospital. Daily I could hear the ambulance siren sounding the alarm that someone was in need of help. During the summer months, the hospital helicopter made numerous flights over our home each day, on its way to assist in a life threatening situation. I cannot remember when I began doing has been some time now. Each time I heard the shrill of the siren or the repetitive sound of the emergency helicopter flying over our home, I would whisper "4" words. "Lord, someone needs You." By no means did I feel that I needed to make my heavenly Father aware of the situation, but I felt in my heart that surely that person in need would want me to cry out to God on their behalf. Surely I would. It is in these times that we are drawn to dwell on the very real possibility of death. That person who is at the mercy of the EMS worker or the nurse on that helicopter - well, is now at the mercy of what intervention is available for them to live. At this instant, I can intervene with prayer for them. I do not know who they are, what they do, where they live or why they are in need at this moment, but I am concerned as to if they know Christ as their Savior. I only know that my heart desires for me to say the words, "Someone needs You, Lord!" I lost count how many times I heard the words "Code Blue" over the loudspeaker as I sat by the bed of my husband as he was recovering from carotid surgery last month. Throughout the day, over the sounds of the busy nursing floor, and slicing through the silence of the sleepless night, I heard, "Code Blue!" There are no words as sweet and pleasing to the ear, as those that are prayed by someone on your behalf. Knowing that they are humbly crying out to God for you, is a feeling that often cannot be put into words greater than "overwhelming thankfulness." As a child of God, they are sending an earthly request to a heavenly Father. Their words reach the throne of grace. Words may be hard to express and our prayer may feel inadequate at times, but Jesus instructed us to pray and never give up (Luke 18:1). We can pray with confidence that we are heard and His will be done. We pray with comfort that Jesus also intercedes for us (Romans 8:34). Jesus, who is at the right hand of God, is indeed interceding for us. And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don't know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. Rom. 8:26 Paul does not say the Holy Spirit removes our “weaknesses,” but that He helps us "in" our weakness and loss of words. The Holy Spirit comes along side us, and as our Helper, helping those who cannot help themselves.
So as I close this post, I just want to ask you to do something. Next time you hear the shrill of the siren, talk to the Lord about that unknown person who needs you to pray for them at that instant. It may be the first time anyone has ever prayed on their behalf. Comments are closed.
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