Picture this...
I am in a lush green garden, with the sound of a gentle breeze blowing through the leaves of the trees. The air is sweet smelling and the sun is warm on my skin. It is the most beautiful place imaginable! But wait… I am not alone. I look to my right, and along side me is THE most perfect guy - and he is looking at me as if I am THE most beautiful creature he has ever seen. His eyes are warm and bright and his smile tells me that he is also well pleased with what he sees beside him. There is a sense of love around me in a place that I feel holds abundant happiness. ![]() What if we could imagine what it was like at that first moment… the very first moment that Eve opened her eyes, looked around at the lush and beautiful surroundings, then fixes her gaze upon Adam. Here they are, two perfectly beautiful creatures placed in an unspeakably beautiful place. ..paradise. I don't think it's even possible for us to come close to imagining just how wonderful life was for Adam and Eve - at that moment. That is before sin entered into the picture. The perfect joy they experienced, before Eve took her focus off of God and sadly placed it on herself. As women of faith who truly desire to stay on the path that God has planned for us, it is still difficult to stay “God-centered” and not self-centered. WHY? Each day the world bombards us with it’s own version how we should dress, look, react, speak and accept as normal. There is a body type that is one we all want to achieve. Really? There is a level of perfection that the world sets, and it seems expects every person to live up to or fall short and feel inadequate. Ooh why couldn’t Eve stay focused on God and not reach for that fruit? My body, skin and mind would be perfect right now! … no matter what kind of outer physique we are given by genetics, as women, we are really all the same. ![]() We live a world that proclaims: “what you see on the outside is more important than what is on the inside.” We have all seen some of those extreme makeover pictures and shows where before and after results are pretty remarkable! And all the TV journalists and show hosts never seem to have a frown line, eye creases or forehead lines. Hmm, the wonders of botox! Most seems as if they are "poured into" their clothing each morning. They are “pulled in” in one area for the desired slimming effect, and then “filled out” in areas. Lips are inflated and the tummy deflated. Models, and celebrities with perfect smiles and flawless bodies tell the world, "THIS is how you should look. Run home to that stationary bike, put on those 6" wide tights and start peddling! Honestly? Sadly, they are missing the mark. None of us are perfect. Take away the tooth whiteners, makeup coverage, hair dye and nails and underneath we are all imperfect people. Since the day Eve ran to cover herself with a leaf, women have been running to the stores to cover and mask their imperfections with the best things that money can buy. Now KNOWING that none of us are born perfect, didd you know that you can be made perfect? Perfect in the best way... in the eyes of the One who created you! YES, we all can be "re-made" or born again with a beauty that emerges from within. As this world judges us from what they see on the outside, God clearly sees the genuine beauty that lies within. Created in all shapes and sizes, we carry our own personal package of flaws, shortcomings, and imperfections. THE MOST attractive part of us, is the real beauty that lies deep within us. This "genuine beauty" can be reflected when we allow Jesus to re-make us. "Here I am , I am not perfect, I have done some really terrible things in life, and I know that there is nothing I can do to make myself over... here is my life, make me over!" And He will. Just ask for HIS make over. He will come to live within you and fill you with freedom from mistakes, comfort to overcome life and give you assurance that you are "perfect" in His eyes. No more living up to expectations of the world. No more judgement from the world. No more regrets for your mistakes in life. Just NEW life in Christ. Instead of trying to please the world with physical attractiveness, Christ desires for us to draw others to Him with our spiritual attractiveness. Now that is a perfect "10." I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works...
He does not care if our hair is a mess, if our skin is not flawless, or if we are struggling with that new diet. There is no need to be a perfect woman of the world. God only desires for us to be His. He is looking at the heart. When He lives within us, we are just perfect. Regardless of our outward appearance, talents or intelligence, Jesus sees the heart inside of us and He is waiting to perform His extreme spiritual makeover within us. With Jesus in our heart and life, we are a perfect "10." JOIN ME ON PINTERESTComments are closed.
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