oRecently I read an interesting story about two friends. One always saw the glass as half empty. She always had something negative to say about everything. Her family, her job, her friends, people in the store, even the weather. It seemed as if she was never satisfied. It was too hot, too cold, raining or to humid. One day Miss Positive asked Miss Negative to go for a ride to the country, away from the maddening crowd of the city and the rush of life. They drove out to the peaceful mountains where life moved slower and stress melts away. Miss Positive wanted to help her friend see life in a different way, to fill her with calm, see her smile and hear her laugh. As the busy highway turned into a car-less road, Miss Negative asked, "Are we lost?" ![]() They came to a beautiful blue-green lake where all was still. There was nothing to be heard except the gentle wind ruffling the leaves and the calming lull of the song birds. The tall trees shared their shade and the sun was beginning to paint the sky sunset orange and red. Miss Positive parked the car, put her feet out the car window and relaxed in silence, taking in all the beauty around her. Within seconds of the car engine stopping, Miss Negative burst out with alarm, "Why on earth are we here? There is nothing. No stores, no place to eat or shops. This is so boring. Let's get out of here." Surprised by her words, Miss Positive blurted out: "Don't you see it? Can't you feel the peace? Do you feel the gratefulness inside for all that God has placed before our eyes? Do you see what my eyes see? Here there is nothing to stress you out. There is no rush, no rudeness, no chaos of the world. Only the beauty of His creation!" ![]() As they headed back to the city, the traffic and noise - the night sky put on a display. The light of the moon pressed against the dark sky was stunning. The stars put on a display of shimmering jewels. It was as if God was saying, "Look, all this is for you!" But yet, one person saw all that God had placed before her, and one did not. One was blinded, she could not see. Sadly, the unsaved... the person who does not know Christ as Savior... is blind to the joys of the child of God. They do not recognize how wonderful it is to be His. The unsaved are blind to the security of the perfect peace that comes to those who have trusted Jesus Christ. To be spiritually blind is not to see Christ, and not to see Christ is not to see God (Colossians 1:15-16; 2 Corinthians 4:6). Spiritual blindness is a grievous condition experienced by those who do not believe in or know God. Without God and left to the whims of the world, people are swayed and entangled in the web of the world. They are so caught up in the affairs of this world that, in the end, God turns them over to spiritual blindness and eternal condemnation (John 12:40; Romans 1:24-32). John tells us,
“Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in Him, and he in God” (1 John 4:15). Pray for your friend - she needs to know Christ. Comments are closed.
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