![]() What is in this life for me? What will I get out of this circumstance? What about my desires? What about my feelings? Where do I fit in and what do I want from this world that I live in?
Her youngest thoughts from childhood recalled no hugs, no kisses, no tucking in at bedtime, no story books read, no positive words of encouragement throughout her youth. Punishments for the slightest sign of misbehavior resulted in being placed in a dark closet for what seemed like hours, and at other times being beaten with a belt that left welts on her legs for days.
As childhood turned into teen years, there were times spent alone in her bedroom longing to be old enough to just leave, to be out of a loveless dysfunctional family. She vowed that one day she would have children of her own and that they would be told daily how much she loved them and would shower them with hugs and bedtime kisses. Yes, she made mistakes along the way, failed terribly at times and chose wrong relationships. Night time prayers were questions. "Why am I here? Where is the happy life I should have?" And "God, do YOU really care?"
Wait... stop and think. Why would GOD, your Creator and the One who made is possible for you to be HIS child, want anything other than the best for your life? No matter "where we find ourselves," in a closet, in the hospital bed, single and waiting for that special someone.... God is in our midst. HE waits for us to look up from our pit of despair and seek HIS help. Wouldn't you rather have your life in HIS hands than your own human hands? God allowed David to sink so low he felt as if he might die. (Psalm 71) But David knew God was in control of his life. "YOU shall quicken me again and shall bring me up again from the depths of the earth" (vs 20). In other words, David knew God could restore his life to him once again. Have you ever struggled so hard and long that you thought or wished you would die? It is a dark and lonely place to find yourself. But praise God that no matter how low we may sink God has set limits on how low He will allow us to go. We must fix our eyes on Christ, not the depth of our situation. It all began for me one day when I heard that God was waiting for me... it began when I said, "Here God, here is my life. I messed it up so badly. Cleanse me, make me Your child. Use me for Your purpose here in this earthly life. I know that I am safe in Your hands no matter what I may face. I know that life here is hard, but one day my eternal life will be glorious!" Sadly, many do not even believe in God. The word has a great passion to erase God from society. Me-ology has taken over. "I, Me, My." Self-centeredness. Self-seeking. Self-will. Self-pity. There is this false understanding that people have a "right" to be happy, to be successful, to be healthy, to be beautiful, to be taken care of. In this world we will have trials (John 16:33), not if, not maybe, for certain we will face trials. While the ME-ology in the world today focuses on "ME, MYSELF & I," faith in Jesus Christ calls us to seek Christ, submit & surrender our life completely to Him. We need the MASTER, not Me-ology. Living for "self" is sin. Living to satisfy ourselves in this world is completely out of line with the Word of God. The sin of ME-ology is that our human flesh seeks to do what is pleasing to ourselves and to have and achieve what we feel we deserve. But when we look at ourselves, and this begins with a relationship with Christ (growing in study and prayer), we see that this life is not a smooth one, but one that is orchestrated by GOD. My friend, live the "way" God has called you to live! Do not envision the way that you "should" be living. Go to Him. Talk with Him. Ask Him to show you "how" HE desires for you to live. One day, as you stand before Him, you can look into His face and say, "Thank You Lord, for allowing me to live FOR You. Thank you!" Until so many hurting in this world turn to God, they will be blinded by the clutches of ME-ology - clutching to the things of this world which will fail to fill them and still leave them with a void within. This void certainly can be the cause of many emotional issues, compassion issues and social issues. You might achieve everything you desire with a ME-ology focus on life, but if you do not have Jesus, you have nothing at all. Do you feel anything? Do you feel HIS presence on your heart? Are you pushing away the hands that desire to bless you? Christ waits. Christ waits for you to turn from the foolishness of ME-ology. HE watches as you struggle through trials and HIS heart longs for you to turn from ME-ology. This world may push us overboard into an ocean of despair, anxiety, heartache and pain, BUT Jesus will keep our heads above water! Do you know someone struggling with ME-ology? Maybe it is you. Push aside the ME-ology of the world and give your life to Christ right now! Here and there I get emails from those that feel contrary to what I know in my heart is HIS teachings. That's OK, I am living the life I know HE has led me to. I pray that something I write stirs your heart to GO to Christ and ask Him to guide you also. Comments are closed.
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