We must thank God each and every day, that we open our eyes to a world filled with beauty; in what surrounds us in nature and in the faces of those around us. But the eyes in our head are not the only eyes that need to be opened in order to see!
The genuine woman of faith, must have the eyes of her heart opened.
In order for a woman to be used of God, her heart must be opened to Him! Then and only then, when He lives in your heart, then you can "see" with your heart. If you are reading this and have never opened your heart to Christ...may you fall to your knees now and ask Him to cleanse you, come live within you and give you new life as a woman of faith. Now is the time for all women to fall to their knees and rise up to the opportunity to be used by God in a mighty way to impact a world that needs to "see" real women of faith in action. My dear friends, we are facing an enemy. The enemy desires to change marriage, our family, and the minds of our children. We stand at a crossroad in our society where the world desires to "change" His Word, His presence and His influence in our lives to nothingness. If we stand by and keep silent, we sin. For silence is sin when we know what is truth. Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. Now is the time for women to speak up and mentor younger women as in Titus 2. Now is the time to reign in our children from the influences of the world and the school systems which try to tell them "there is no God, there is no right or wrong." Lord, may we seriously take this to heart, for we CAN be used by Him. We CAN make a difference in how we are portrayed to a world gone mad. May we be a light that draws women to come to know "real" women of faith. May we open our arms and hearts to women who need to know Christ, who need to fill a void inside, who need to know they are loved beyond measure!
I pray that the Lord will "raise up" women who will serve Him by showing the world who we are as "real" women, and more importantly as "women of faith."
Miss Clara's Prayer...from War Room says it perfectly!
You’ve done it again, Lord. You’ve done it again. You are good, and You are mighty, and You are merciful! And You keep taking care of me when I don’t deserve it. Praise You, Jesus! You are Lord…. Raise up more that will call upon Your name. Raise up those that love You, and seek You, and trust You. Raise ‘em up, Lord! Raise 'em up! Lord, we need a generation of believers who are not ashamed of the gospel! We need an army of believers, Lord, that hate to be lukewarm, and will stand on Your Word above all else! Raise 'em up, Lord! Raise 'em up! I pray for unity among those that love You. I pray that You open their eyes so that they can see Your truth, Lord. I pray for Your hand of protection and guidance. Raise up a generation, Lord, that will take light into this world; that will not compromise when under pressure; that will not cower, Lord, when others fall away! Raise 'em up, Lord, that they will proclaim that there is salvation in the name of Jesus Christ! Raise up warriors, Lord, who will fight on their knees, who will worship you with their whole hearts, Lord! Lord, call us to battle, that we may proclaim King of Kings, and Lord of Lords! I pray these things with all my heart. Raise 'em up, Lord! Raise 'em up! See the video here: “Raise ‘Em Up”, from the movie “The War Room” Comments are closed.
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