Are you looking good? Each morning we arise from our sleep, step out of a comfy bed and face our first task - looking in the bathroom mirror. Wow, that woman looking back at me needs some serious attention! The curling iron gets plugged in, the first splash of cool water on my face brings me out of my slumber state. My right hand reached down to pull the miracle bag out to work its wonders. Eyeliner, mascara, some blush, all help to make the appearance suitable for heading out into the world; a world that will judge me by what they see on the outside. All the time and money... so much is spent on clothing, hair, face and nails; all just to look acceptable to the world. We desire to look good, but for whom? Is it to make ourselves feel good or to feel acceptable to those around us? We try SO hard to be what the world views as the perfect woman. We may never get halfway there but we strive to get as close to what the world deems is perfect. The world --- right there is the mistake. Women are led to believe it is what the world perceives to be as beautiful, healthy looking and acceptable that is of utmost importance. Sadly, that is truly missing the mark. Many are focused on pleasing a world that can never be pleased, never. So much emotional pain could be alleviated if young women were taught that genuine beauty is found from what lies "on the inside." It is futile to try to please a world filled with people, most of whom themselves, that are void of beauty on the inside. They themselves lack inner beauty and have no concept of the void within that only GOD can fill. With God living within us my friend, we do not need to strive to please the world. We can be content and filled with the inner beauty that will flow out in all we do and say. When it comes to pleasing God, HE is not looking at the outside appearance at all... He is looking at your heart. A heart that is filled with the contentment of "who" your are in Christ is all you need to be beautiful. It is spiritually and emotionally healthy heart and there is no desire to please a world that so misguided. So instead of applying all that "stuff" today to your face - focus on applying all His words and promises to your heart and mind - you will see an amazing transformation that will be beautiful! looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” 1 Samuel 16:7 God spoke these words to Samuel after he arrived at the house of Jesse. Samuel was there to anoint the next king of Israel - as God instructed him. Notice, God is looking at the heart. Jesse proceeded to show off seven sons to Samuel, those he thought were handsome and deserving, and yet none of these were God’s anointed. No their hearts were not right for the job. Jesse obviously thought his youngest son, David, was out of the running to be God’s anointed! After all, he was the youngest and smaller in stature so Jesse just let him stay out in the field with the sheep. BUT in God’s eyes, He knew who was to be anointed. God desired the humble tender of the sheep over the proud and cocky string of seven sons that were strutting their stuff, those whom Jesse thought were much more appealing. They were completely unaware to what GOD was looking for in the one who would be HIS anointed king. Samuel also did not seem to understand what God had told him earlier, “ The Lord has sought out for Himself a man after His own heart, and the Lord has appointed him as ruler over His people” (1 Samuel 13:14). Yes, God is looking at the heart. God is not focused on our outward beauty, but seeking the inner beauty - the heart that is seeking after Him. Maybe you have experienced being pushed aside as David was, left out in the field with the sheep, deemed not good enough. Remember this... God has a plan for your life when HE has your heart. Ignore the judgement of the world and those who may make you feel inadequate. Instead fill your heart and mind with the things of GOD... His Word, His promises, His comfort and His spiritual strength. Do not trouble yourself with the judgement and standards of the world, for if you live by the standards of the world, you will only find hurt, anxiety and struggle. I encourage you to joyfully be a humble vessel in HIS hands, He loves to see a willing heart. . . a precious site indeed. Comments are closed.
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