I need time to focus on just me. Have you found yourself ever saying that? I know I "need" my quiet time, time for just me to sit, think, pray and breathe. Often no words need to be prayed, no devotional opened, or verses repeated. It is just time sitting quietly, thinking about Him - the One Who spoke all into being. He is the One who knows me best - my thoughts, my emotions, my concerns. I just need and desire to spend this time with Him. Let me share with you a prayer I wrote that was written for a devotional magazine. It is in one of my "alone" times with God that found these words. Like many people, I talk with God on and off throughout each day. But today, I came to the Lord with hope and prayers for myself. I asked God to shape me into the person I was created to be. I asked for wisdom, as I faced an unknown future. I asked for gentleness in my heart and in my speech. I asked for mercy for those who do not know Him, and for those who are hateful and mean. I asked for understanding as I ponder the Word, and for God to show me what I need to see. I asked that God give me words to speak so that others may see His light in me. I asked that He use me to plant seeds of faith. I asked all these things; and deep within my heart, I have hope- hope that with a willing spirit, I. . . an ordinary woman, can serve Him. Find time each day for yourself, after all, you must nourish yourself before you can be used as His woman of faith! Comments are closed.
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