The more we grow in our spiritual life, the more we come to understand that we must roll with the life that God has laid out before us. Our lives come to resemble a new recruit embarking on training camp. Yes, we understand that life will not be continual days of sunshine just because we are a woman of faith who has come to know Christ. We will struggle at times, yet we will be able to face our obstacles with comfort and a calmer inner peace knowing that GOD is aware of every feeling within, every tear and every emotion we are experiencing. Many times I have had women talk with me about their life of turmoil. They are frustrated, angry, and wonder "why" God would allow such heartache. When someone is hurting, there is not much we can say to take the pain away. Our words may sooth the moment, but healing will take time. Time alone with GOD. He can comfort, calm, console and create all things to work together. Our connection with an Almighty Father assures us that we are never alone in our trials. Never. Grab your Bible and open to the book of Ruth. Here you will read about Naomi and her heartache of losing a husband and both her sons. Yet as Naomi faces her trial, we see God is at work to turn her loss into joy. Here we meet 3 women - they are now facing life alone. Naomi has lost her husbands and her sons. Now her faith comes into play. What will she do? Who can she turn to? It is at this point that she desires to be called Mara ( which means bitter) instead of Naomi. Feeling abandoned and alone, she blames God for her hardships. Naomi may be angry at the situation God has placed her in, but yet she still has a struggling faith. We all have been there - struggling. Our hearts are broken, we feel alone, we do not know what tomorrow will bring. We feel hurt, wounded and empty. In the midst of our pain, it is easy to lose sight of His plan for us. But it is in these times that we need to trust Him. Naomi sounded like she blamed God for her predicament, but actually, something deeper was going on. God was working within. The story of Ruth begins with Naomi and her loss. And ends, with just what God had planned.
I hope you will take some time this week, and read the "story of Naomi" in the beginning of the Book of Ruth. (you can watch a great true to life version HERE.) Women, once filled with despair CAN find new hope. May we all learn from Naomi and Ruth. YES, life is a struggle. Yet with Christ walking along side of us, we know that whatever is placed on our path is not something He will not help us deal with. In fact, He knows what is coming. He has allowed whatever is coming to be on your path. Remember, my dear friend, God knows the end from the beginning! HE has your story written and HE is there walking with you. As HIS child, the end is not the end, it is really only the beginning. When you have asked Christ into your life - that is the beginning of your new life. A life that never truly ends. It is the beginning of your eternal life in Christ! Walk on. No matter what may come your way, you can walk on. Cling to the One who is right there beside you! Comments are closed.
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