With so many terrible events happening around us, there is reason to want answers to things that we are uncertain of.
Many wonder... Is the world as we know it coming to an end? Is Jesus coming back as many religions teach? Should I be worried? Should I be excited? What should I believe? So many religions say so many different things? First let me say this... Religion is worthless. It is not about a religion - it is about a "relationship" with Jesus. If I may help you get on the right road to a relationship with Jesus, the Christ (the Messiah) allow me to pass on to you a good teacher to help you find the answers to many of your questions. He is a genuine godly man and a well-loved teacher who adds nothing to the Word of God and takes nothing away. David Pawson has taught just what the Bible states for over 60 years. He just teaches only what Christ has said. His quiet demeanor makes it so plain and easy to understand by explaining who, where and what in each book of the Bible. It comes alive! So many talk about the "end times." By this, they mean, "Are we living in the last days or the last generation that will see Jesus Christ return?" The Bible has 735 predictions about the future - and 596 have already happened and come true! Eighty-one percent of all the predictions have already happened. It does not take much faith to believe that the other 19% will happen. The Bible is 100% accurate. Most of the rest of the predictions are about the return of Jesus. Jesus said to "Watch (what is happening in the world) and Pray." Live as if He is coming tomorrow. So let's learn... get your bible. Be blessed! I am praying for each one that reads my words - that you too may feel the calm and comfort that I have after learning truth. All for Christ, Jo Wilmer Comments are closed.
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