It has been said that our church family is often closer to us than our real family.
Many times I have found that to be so true, especially when there is family who do not yet know Christ and have no idea of spiritual needs. In my darkest times, it has been those in my church who have sat along side me and prayed for me. At other times my emotional need was met by the sermon I heard from the pulpit, or the song sung so sweetly by a choir member. Those who are like-minded in heart can touch our lives in many ways. ![]()
It is for certain, that God has given these special people a heart to serve Him and to extend a hand of encouragement to us also. Is there someone you can think of that you would like to say "thank you" to?
When the storms of life are upon us, it often takes just "1" person to make a difference. I have provided a link HERE so you can consider a “thank you” or send an encouraging card or gift. I cannot tell how it blesses my heart when someone takes the time to email me or send an encouraging card to keep planting seeds of faith. When a sister in Christ, comes to me and gives me a hug with a "thank you," it makes my day...my week! Is there a pastor, worship leader, secretary, children's worker, or special person that you would like to encourage? Do so, don't wait. They will be blessed! You will be a blessing. This card below is one that I would love to send to quite a few ladies! SIMPLY10 will expire 10/25. It is for $10 off any $50 purchase plus free shipping! So order holiday gifts now and save. Blessings to you!Comments are closed.
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