Some say, "Sure I believe in God and I pray, but I don't know if that is enough."
Most admit that God is a necessary part of their life, but do they honestly believe and know in their heart that God IS enough and that He IS, in fact, more than enough? To find out if God is enough for you, let me ask you a couple of questions. Where do you obtain your joy? Is it from the Lord or from somewhere else? If your joy is from your health and it goes, then your joy will fly out the window. If you inner joy is from your work or checkbook, then when funds run low your joy also is depleted. If you joy comes from your friends and social circle, then when all abandon you, your joy will turn to isolation and loneliness. For the genuine Christian, who has placed their life in His hands, the loss of joy does not devastate. If a true believer has lost her health, her business, her family, her friends, her finances, she can still maintain her joy because the source of genuine contentment and peace is in God. As one who lost all in 2008 - health, home, savings and so-called friends, I can tell you that joy can still flow out of emptiness. There is nothing that can steal the joy that Christ places within, when you are cleansed of sin and come to know Him as Savior. Sure, there will be times when the tears will flow, and the pain may seem to be more than you can bear...but Christ is there whispering His promises in your ear. "...and the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Philippians 4: 6-7 Indeed, one may not know that God is enough until God is all one has. I am sure that the apostle Paul understood this when he said, "I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." vs 11 Comments are closed.
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