How often as a child have we all said this? And do you know something? Yes, we are ALL going home one our eternal home.
We are so focused on the here and now that we forget that all this WILL end one day and then what will we have? The answer to that question depends on what you choose to do here and now. As the Christmas season is upon us we focus on family gatherings, presents and parties. With all the excitement of the season, many forget "why" we have made this time of year a special time. The day that was set aside to remember the birth of Christ has become blurred with Santa, snow, lights, gifts, food, parties and trees. Oh how sad to think that so many have not decided yet on their eternal home. I am content and rejoice in the knowledge that "I am going home!" I have chosen to be with Christ as I exhale for the last time. Death may seen to be a terrible thing to discuss at this season, but is it? Choose to give your life to Christ today and then find contentment and comfort knowing "where" you are going home. Comments are closed.
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