Why do we have "needs?"
Why did God create us with needs? We need continual nourishment, encouragement, we need relationships, we have a human nature "to need." Why didn't God create us to be self-sustaining? Throughout the Bible, God has used food to test His people. In the Garden of Eden there was the forbidden fruit. Adam and Eve could have eaten from any tree except the tree of knowledge of good and evil. (Gen. 2: 16-17) Later He tested the Israelites by humbling them with hunger and feeding them manna in the desert. In this way, they would understand that they were not to live on bread alone, but on the every word of God. (Deut. 8:2-3) Our continual need for food is meant to teach us that the Lord is our Provider, and we must humble ourselves, obey Him and trust in Him to meet all our needs. On a daily basis, many of us worry and are anxious over having enough to meet our needs. There is starvation in many parts of the world, there are natural disasters, famine and war... all can threaten every one of us. We are vulnerable to the forces of nature and the actions of men. In a society where food is readily available to us, we often forget that GOD is our ultimate Provider. How many of us REALLY see HIM as our only true source of daily sustenance? How many of us REALLY trust HIM for what tomorrow may bring? What do you feel you "need" to make you happy? Do you need thousands in your checking account? A new car in the garage? Do you need to feel like people admire you as a person of importance? Do you need to be a certain weight or look a certain way? Sadly, many are completely overtaken by the standard of the world (even some so-called christians). What so many people, and believers in Christ fail to realize is that in Jesus Christ we are ALL rich, beautiful and loved. If you have placed your faith in Jesus, you can boldly state to all that you have the richest blessings there are! Look beyond your bank account, your mirror and your possessions. Ephesians 1:3 tells us that God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing! Notice it says "has blessed." It has already happened. He lavishly pours out His blessings on us as we draw closer to Him. Today, take some time to list your blessings and thank Him for being our Sustainer, our Provider, our Hope and our Savior. We are truly rich indeed! Comments are closed.
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