If you are a daughter, a mother
or a grandmother, this special day will touch you emotionally in many ways. We all come from a variety of backgrounds and have experiences and remembrances of growing up that are vastly different. So how do YOU feel about this special day?
Being a mother is such a vital role that a glorious God has chosen to give to so many women. But this vital role has a special meaning for the woman of faith.
The genuine Christian mother is told to love her children (Titus 2:4-5), and we are reminded that this blessing is a gift from the Lord (Psalm 127:3-5).
No matter how you feel on this Mother's day...
Whether or not you have children of your own, you did had a mother who gave you life.
For some of us, we may feel that we did not have the loving idyllic mother we hoped for. But that is behind us, and we grow in His love to forgive. We now are blessed with a life that can be an example of true motherly love for our own children and others.
Mother’s Day is about celebrating that nurturing heart that resides in all women. We have a God-given ability to be all things to every member of our family and be the woman who brings all things together. If you are not a mother to a child, you still are the reflection of a mother. For you, my dear friend, are born with the natural desire to nurture and care for others around you. You, as HIS woman of faith, are there to reach out in His likeness with your helping hands, teaching, listening and prayer life. You are there to help others through their heartache and tears, while praying for their well-being. Yes, we all have "mothering" born into our hearts. Our husbands, children, family members and friends need us to encourage and give of ourselves. There are so many children who do not have a mother. They long for someone who will step in with love and prayer, guiding and teaching them in the ways of the Lord. Someone is looking for you. ![]() Whether your own child, or another child who needs a mother's love and guidance...remember that we have been blessed with an extraordinary gift by an amazing God! We are to reach out with love and care, guiding others in His teaching. God enables us to endure some pretty hard circumstances... juggle many responsibilities, caring for little one's, supporting our husband's with prayer, encouraging other women along the way and maintaining the home. Wow...yet, motherhood is not a chore or a burden on our life.
The "heart" of the home is found in the mother.
Our most important job as a mother is the role we play in the lives of our children. No matter what age, babe or adults with children of their own, we are always there. Our role as a mother will change and develop, but the love, care, nurturing, and encouragement a mother gives never ceases. A father, as head of the home, has a great influence on a child, but the deepest impression is made by a mother. Pastor Adrian Rogers once said, "Mothers are perhaps the most powerful and influential force on the face of the earth." Yet, look at what is happening to the family today... ![]()
There is without a doubt an attack on the foundation of the family and on motherhood.
If the family were a ship, it would be in danger of sinking. The anchor, God, has been removed and there is no lighthouse to be seen. We are in turbulent seas. We cannot just go along with the flow of the world. If God is not the center of the family, we are as a ship lost at sea with no compass on a dark starless night. Of course, unbelievers and atheists of the world are rejoicing that many so-called Christian homes have lost sight of God and His Lighthouse (Jesus). Remember... "Mothers are perhaps the most powerful and influential force on the face of the earth."
As our foundation as a family is being hit with sledge hammer's, we can fight back with prayer.
As the structure the way God intended is being dismantled, we can hold back the destruction with prayer. As the world seeks to change, confuse and corrupt the minds of children, we will fight back with prayer! As the world continues to deny "life" in the womb, we will pray for the unborn! As the world seeks to convince us that male and female can change to female and male, we will pray! As a woman of faith, we will teach the children about His Word and promises. For there is nothing greater than to raise a child to know Jesus Christ. Their course will be set and they will have a compass for life. With Christ living within them, they will be able to stand and face a world that desires to break down follower's of Christ. (Deuteronomy 6:6-7) Ladies, on this special day, may we commit today to pray for our children, the children of others and the family that God intended the family to be. Mom's-to-be...pray for your unborn child. Mom's, grandmother's and all women of faith...pray, and we can place a hedge of protection around our children, no matter what age they may be. May I suggest a prayer that comes right from the Word of God... Ephesians 3:14 -21: “For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in Heaven and earth is named, that He would grant ____________________________________ [insert your child’s name or another child's name] according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man; that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all saints, what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the love of Christ, which passes knowledge, that you might be filled with all the fullness of God.” We are powerful, for we pray!Comments are closed.
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