This alligator was seen at a nature preserve in Florida and it is big enough to make you think dinosaurs never went extinct. It just may actually be one of the most massive gators ever seen in the state. The alligator caught on video at the Circle B Bar Nature Reserve.
The woman in the video who saw the creature, stated it was "awe inspiring."
Awe inspiring?
LOL, I think I might have described it somewhat differently. How about describing it like this: "That was one frightening alligator! It was pretty ill-advised to stand so close! Like flirting with death!" After living and raising a family in the wooded and water areas of south Florida, I can assure you that alligators can move pretty quickly! Why risk being so close? These creatures are not slow; they are quiet, silent and swift. Before you can turn and run, you can become dinner.
Raised in Florida, my children were warned about things that other children living in other areas may not have been taught. One afternoon, my 6 year old son, excitedly ran in the door and exclaimed, "Mommy, guess what I learned in school today? Let me show you!" He proceeded to run in a zig-zag pattern across the front lawn explaining that you should never run in a straight line to get away from an alligator. I laugh at the memory of that day, but it was a serious lesson that the children were taught. ![]() Those desiring to photograph and video that alligator took a risk with their life. Which brings me to my comparison and focus of this post. Drawing close to the alligator to capture its movement was just too tempting for those people. Thinking they were safe, from most likely the slow movement of the animal, they drew closer to something they perceived to be slower than themselves. They doubted that this creature could move faster than they could run if suddenly it made a dash for them! Why do we always feel we are in control and that we can find a way to escape if danger turns toward us? Foolish as we are, we put ourselves at risk because we "think" we are in control. The one thing that God hates most (sin), is as dangerous as that alligator. When you think you are safe, when you think you are not doing anything wrong, when you think God will overlook, when you think no one is watching, when you draw close because everyone else is drawing close to sin, when you put yourself in a compromising situation... that is when sin swiftly grabs hold of you, sinking its teeth in and holding on with a death grip! Seem a bit far fetched? No, my friend. For sin seeks to destroy you. I think we have often neglected to teach our children and remind ourselves that while God IS love, He also has the capacity to hate. He hates sin, and He will judge it. As my son, BJ, was warned and taught about how dangerous an alligator is and he was also taught to stay clear of any environment it may be lurking in. Where there is water, there are alligators. Alligators will go from pond to pond or lake to lake, so even walking through the Florida woods you may come upon an alligator. Be alert! This younger generation has been schooled in the teaching about an indulgent, soft-hearted God whose judgments are uncertain and who coddles those who break His commandments. Many now find it difficult to believe that God, if they believe in God, hates sin and will judge us. They have been told it is okay to let your guard down, there is no God and you will not suffer at the hands of a fairy tale. The world will teach your child that it is okay to accept certain ways of living, demand certain expectations, and accept any and all rights regarding morals and values. As a result, we now have a generation who has no fear of sin, no belief in a Creator and no fear of what awaits them with their last breath. The world desires to eliminate any belief in God, and eliminate any notion that there are morals, values and commandments to follow. God will not be mocked or pushed aside. The sin of the world has camouflaged itself into looking harmless and acceptable. God hates sin just as a father hates an alligator that threatens the safety and life of his child. God loathes evil and diabolic forces that would pull us down to a godless eternity just as a mother hates a poisonous spider that is found crawling on the soft skin of her baby. So what does God hate? Solomon answers that question in Proverbs. “These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren” (Proverbs 6:16-19). Pride, lying, murder, wickedness, evil, gossiping, slandering. . . reminds me of some of the characteristics of many political people and celebrities. But I better not get off track here. Daily we are in an ongoing battle for the mind, heart and soul. If sin and darkness (devil) can get your mind, then it can get your heart, and finally have your soul ( eternity in hell). God on the other hand desires your humble heart, He then fills your heart and soul with His comfort and Spirit, and your soul is saved (heaven will be your eternal home). Daily we are surrounded with lurking sin tempting us to live as the world deems rather than that of a spiritual woman of faith. Have any of you seen the TV shows Southern Charm (not charming at all) or Housewives of Atlanta/New Jersey/others? Now I can plainly see they are not housewives nor do they act like morally respectable women. I was flipping through the channels and caught a bit of both. My TV interest revolves around HGTV, CREATE and Masterpiece. Watching these women for about 15 minutes was all I could muster. Lies, deceit, pride, love of money, half naked and filthy mouths...really? This is entertainment? This is what women are aspiring to become? Lips filled to look like they are bursting. Faces shining from the tightness of surgery. Teeth that are so white they will blind you. Lack of self-esteem, lack of brains for sure and lack of morals... this is a life to strive for? Really? This is what TV is portraying as the "good" life to attain? Sad. Sad for those who believe this nonsense. They really have no idea how content life can be. These people are really missing out.
So what can we do?
There is little that we can do, but there is something God has already done. He has given us new life through Christ, a life filled with comfort and love, a life that is not of this world. The secret is found in the words of the Apostle Paul: “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2). Don't go along with the false pretense that the world is pushing. Don't believe for a minute that sin will not harm you. Don't believe that God will let you slide. He is a just and loving God and sin must be dealt with. We are not to conform or accept what the world tells us is acceptable. To stand strong in a world of darkness, your only hope is to we draw close to God and fill yourself with His Word and promises. Surround yourself with other like-minded women of faith. Don't be drawn into the fact that "this" is okay to accept, or "that" is now normal... it is a lie, a lie from a slick, devious alligator (sin).
Together we are stronger, together we stand firm in our faith,
together we pray for each other. Together we look out for one another and warn each other when we see another is in danger. This is what "real" women of faith do for each other. We have a desire from within to love each other as Christ loves us! We are loved by a heavenly Father and possess riches beyond anything that this world can offer. So do not let this world tempt you. When you have Christ living within you, you have all you need. We do not need to strive to be perfect, we do not need to strive to have the perfect life. W e walk close to Him and find strength in His Word. His promises are like safety nets that keep us from sinking. We never need worry that we are alone, for He is always with us. Wow, we are blessed! Comments are closed.
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