The world makes it so hard, when really it is SO easy.
Religion. What will we do with it? What will we choose? We need to do this and that. Believe a set of rules. Follow what we are told by our parents and friends. Is that what religion is all about, really? NO. Religion is worthless. Yes, worthless. Finding comfort in life and hope in a heavenly home is only found in a relationship, not in religion. It is about "your" relationship with God. We all have sinned. We all have made mistakes. There is no one perfect but the Lord Jesus Christ. And all HE desires is that we humbly come to Him and ask for a new life... a cleansing of our past, a new beginning. We give Him our life and trials, we place all in His hands. That's it! It is so easy to find peace in this life. Don't make it hard and wait... or worse, die without HIM. Give Jesus your heart, mind and life. It is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!! Comments are closed.
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