Light a flame in my soul for the world to see! I look at the faces of the young people in this video and I get excited. We need this young generation to stand for, stand up and speak out louder than the darkened minds of those who desire to turn this nation away from God. NOW it the time.
Seeing the faces in this video gives me hope; hope that there is still time to seek God and save a nation.
My children are all in their 30's and on their own. Sadly, one son became an atheist while in college and returned home "wiser" as he called it, and explained that the Bible was a fairy tale story. We pray for him continually. As my husband and I taught children the Gospel through our church, Vacation Bible School and Child Evangelism Ministry, we knew that some other parent would be thankful that we were planting seeds of faith in their child's life. We know that our prayers will be heard and someday our son will return like the prodigal son to His Father. But until then we serve Him by "telling." Friends, we have a prodigal nation that has left God behind and is running out of time...
Now it the time to stand & speak for a lost nation.
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