We all are special. We are special in the eyes of God and a handiwork of an amazing Creator. But as different as we may be, what bonds women of faith together in harmony is the love we have within for the Lord and our faith in His promises. Facing the trials of life, His promises are the anchor that holds us steady in the midst of the waves that come crashing down on us. His love is unending and eternal. With this in mind, we can cling to His Word and share His love and encouragement to others along our path. Differences will always be there, but the one eternal truth that will never change, is the fact that when Christ lives within us, we are bonded through His love. With the new president coming into office, the emotions are running high. Opinions are flying, voices are being raised and tempers are flaring. As women of faith, this should NOT be the case. No matter what your background, lifestyle or belief, I have genuine concern for you. I want you to know that your opinion does matter, and that I desire to live in harmony with you. We all have our own opinions regarding the future for ourselves, our family and our nation. o may we all agree, that we always will not agree? We can still be supportive of each other and work toward a better life, filled with morals and accountability. No matter what opinion we have of the lifestyle of another, my priority is to always reflect Christ and let you know that I desire for you to know the joy, peace and comfort, that is found only through Christ. What do we all desire as normal human beings?
So as we take a step forward in our nation, let us come together to pray.
Prayer is powerful, and prayer DOES change things! May we pray with POWER in asking God to lead us back toward His desire for us as a nation. May we pray with POWER for our leaders and those in government office to SEEK His will (and not their own). Together, in powerful prayer, I believe we all can see a brighter tomorrow for ourselves, family and nation. A nation where we all can live and work together; where we can stand on morals, values and hold each other accountable to carry our own load in life. In this life we are "entitled" to nothing. Perseverance & prayer, along with compassion for each other is what I hope to see in the coming years. Comments are closed.
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