This Sunday is Resurrection Sunday. Without a doubt it is "THE" most important day in the Christian faith; for without the Resurrection of Christ, our faith would be in vain.
Oh how He He agonized in the garden. Beaten, mocked, whipped and nails piercing His body, He suffered in our place, for our sin. But He is alive! He is risen! And this hope within us should emanate from the knowledge that our Savior has paid the price, and eternal life awaits those of us who are saved by His mercy and grace. This is a most joyous day! As we rejoice and thank Him for His unspeakable gift to us, we are aware all too well that we are still living in a world filled with heartache and trials. The past six months have been fraying to say the least. My husband has survived a stroke, life threatening carotid surgery and diagnosed with an abdominal aortic aneurysm just recently. I have held onto my Lord with all my might. When I felt as if my hands were slipping and I could not hold anymore, I prayed... "Lord, I don't think I can hold on. . . I feel like I am at the end of my rope. I need You to fill me with Your strength." Feeling completely drained and fighting discouragement, I knew He would allow me to face the next mountain in His strength. I sought out His promises in His Word and hid them in my heart and mind. "Lord, I am going to trust and walk forward knowing that You will give me what I need to face the road ahead." But God is SO faithful. He will see us through the darkest moments. This past month I have received emails from so many with heart-wrenching stories; husbands with addictions, loved one's with life-threatening illness, abandoned wives and wayward children. It is in these moments we hold on to HIS life saving rope. Together we move on and hold onto the life strengthening rope. Hold on..we cannot see what lies up ahead, but God knows where we are going. He hears your prayer when no words are spoken. ... for my strength is made perfect in weakness... for when I am weak, then am I strong. 2 Corinthians 12: 9-10
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