Just an ordinary woman...I am just an ordinary woman... I say that often. I am wife, mother and Nana. At work I strive to be the dependable employee, and online I am the long distance sister in Christ. But often I feel that those around me are sizing me up to see if I am measuring up as that perfect woman of faith. Well, I must tell you that I am not. I am just an ordinary woman in His service. Sure my patience runs short many days, and there are those I come in contact with on a daily basis that I would like to take aside and give a piece of my mind...but I vent several times a day to God. Do you do that? No, I am not the perfect faith-filled woman. I am not the Proverbs 31 woman who has caused many women to try to check off her attributes on their list. I admit that it is hard to walk the walk, but I am earnestly striving to just please HIM. Proverbs 31 was written, I believe, to reveal the embodiment of "who" we are as women. It was to praise "all" that she does for her family and others. As women we wear many hats. Not all of us are given the same hats to wear in life. So ladies, stop trying to live up to the Proverbs 31 woman in every detail. Focus on the hats that God has given "YOU" in life to wear in His service to family, others and community. As daughters of the Most High, we focus on reading His Word to fill our heart and mind with His wisdom and promises. We are ordinary women, but we are different; we are striving to live for Christ. Sure we falter, lose our patience, feel overwhelmed, get burned out and lose our focus at times, but if we keep the heavenly end in mind, we will be just fine! Yes, you are just an ordinary woman, but you are His woman of faith. With that in mind, we must always be on our guard NOT to be conformed to this world. Please do not begin your day without Him. Ask Him to guide your day in all you do and say. Then grab that coffee and your car keys and face the world as His woman. Don't let the world conform you, and cause you to step off His path or lose focus of Him throughout the day. If you do, get back on track. Yes, we may be just ordinary woman in this world... but in His eye's we are a beautiful, perfect, heaven-bound woman!
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