We get into the car each day and instinctively do it. As we turn the ignition, we glance in our side and rear view mirrors. They are safety features and looking at what is behind us can be helpful when driving to avoid accidents. But in some instances it may not be a good idea to keep looking a what is behind you. Why is that? We all have a past in which we look upon things that we wish had never happened. Choices we made that were sinful, past failures, heartache and regrets. When this happens we can STOP. Yes, we can stop this trend of thinking for we know that Jesus will speak to our heart and say, "Look to Me. Get your eyes off the rear view mirror of your life, and focus on Me and how I have forgiven you. Move ahead my child." Christ reveals to our heart and mind His forgiveness, grace and unending love. Just like the apostle Paul, Jesus has changed our lives from disgrace to grace! The strength of Paul for the journey ahead of him, came through Christ and so does our strength to move ahead in our life. When we ask Christ for cleansing of our sin and He takes over our life, amazing things happen as we live by faith. Amazing things! Instead of living in the past, and always looking to what was behind...look ahead with inner joy. Pray and look up! Paul moved along on his journey, never looking back to the hardships, but boasted that Jesus came to live within him. So should we rejoice and look forward.
Forget that which is behind. ..never look back! Thank You Lord, for allowing me to forget what is behind! Thank You for living within and allowing me to move forward in Your strength. The past disgrace and pain of sin in my life is now replaced with Your grace in the present. Amen. Comments are closed.
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