God sees it all. God feels it all.This woman was broken and she knew it. She lived in the city. She was a woman of the night, a prostitute. Was she too far from God? Was it too late for her to find comfort in God? Was she too "dirty" and sinful to even cry out to God? Was this all her life would amount to. . . selling her body? I cannot give you nicer words, her life was what it was. She had "heard" about the One true God. She heard about the stories of the Israelites and God knew her heart. God would give her the opportunity to be used in a mighty way and be saved. Her name would be mentioned in history forevermore. She and her entire family would be saved! From her story we all can find comfort that we ALL can be broken and scarred --- yet we ALL can be made new! She was what some may call "damaged goods." It was certain that everyone in town knew of her life and she was considered the lowest of the low. Her life would amount to nothing. Or would it? In one day, all would change for her. Why? Because she chose the path that led to God. She knew "of" God and His promises but she certainly was not living a life that God desired. She made a decision one day, and she chose God. From that moment on everything in her life would change. She hung a scarlet cord from her window. One day she and her family was rescued when all others were dying. There was no looking back! A new life awaited her ahead. She would never know that thousands of years later we would still be reading about her - how her life changed when she chose to follow GOD and His plan for her. Rehab had no idea that she would be included in the lineage, that from her family line, Jesus would come into the world! You can find her story here: Rahab and her story. I have a red ribbon hanging from my own porch to remind me of Rehab and her decision. So do you feel broken today?You are not alone. We all carry scars from the past, but after we ask Jesus into our heart and life, those same scars become stories; stories that may help others who are stumbling along this rocky path called life. Yes, you own story can be used in a mighty way to help another struggling and stumbling person who is searching to "fill" their void deep within. Never be ashamed. As HIS new child (born again child), you are loved unconditionally and all things are made new. Tell you story for Him! Let your scars be shown to other hurting women who need to know they are not alone. We all have a past. We all sin. We all have an inner "void."
I cried. I broke. I looked up. I found mercy. I was humbled. Jesus extended His hand. He reached down, made me new and lifted me up. I tearfully looked up and gave Him my heart and life. The pain, scars, heartache and brokenness are gone. He filled me with comfort. My empty heart is filled. I felt His love over me. There was comfort. I was His new child. There was no fear. There was no pain. There was no guilt. Yes, I am special. Yes, I am loved. Yes, I am His! Choose Christ. Choose Life. Choose the Cleanser, you will never be the same.
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