So he came to a Samaritan city called Sychar, near the plot of ground that Jacob had given to his son Joseph. Jacob's well was there, and Jesus, tired out by his journey, was sitting by the well. It was about noon, at time when most are not at the well. A Samaritan woman came to draw water, and Jesus said to her, "Give me a drink." We do not know her name. We do not know her age. Yet here, is our sister from Samaria, who was blessed to have a life saving conversation with our Savior, Jesus Christ. Jesus speaks to her and simply asks: "Will you give me a drink?" (John 4:7). This woman who came to the well was an outcast. Many were prejudice against her. She did so many terrible things and has made many bad decisions in her lifetime. We all can relate to the things in our past that haunt us - mistakes we wish we could erase. Decisions we that determined where we are right now in life. We all are guilty. Just like this woman at the well. Yet today - Jesus purposely came on her path to speak with this guilty woman. Is Jesus on your path today? Are you ignoring Jesus who is waiting nearby to talk with you? Have you refused to acknowledge He is there waiting? Are you making excuses not to talk with Him? If you ONLY KNEW what you were ignoring...what you were passing by! "If you knew the gift of God … " (John 4:10). Yes, "if" you only KNEW. Jesus makes a tantalizing statement. If you only knew the "gift" He has waiting for you! It is a gift that HE will pay for. It is an irresistible offering. It is "the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ" (Romans 5:15). The regular water in the well that this outcast woman comes to draw may quench her immediate thirst but she will soon be thirsty again. To quench her spiritual thirst, the Lord Jesus made a bold promise: "Whoever drinks the water I give will never thirst" (John 4:14). In one sentence Jesus has shifted from an everyday need in life to the promise of an everlasting life. Jesus said to the outcast woman..."I can give you living water." You can't buy it. You can't work for it. It is freely offered to all. The things of this world will NEVER satisfy you. You will continue searching and striving. You will feel lonely within. You will be void of inner peace. Violence, shootings, depression, addiction... there IS a spiritual power that shackles and blinds many people in this world (the devil). --- The family structure is being destroyed. --- Children do not know what is right or wrong. --- There are no boundaries. --- Computer games are desensitizing youth with blood and gore. --- Human gender is now "pick your choice." --- Isolated by cell phones many are creating a false world for themselves - alone. --- People cannot interact one on one anymore without confrontations. Where do we find answers and TRUTH? We find it as the well - in the Living Water. Many are misled and confused. Deep inside there is something missing. Deep inside there is a voice crying out to be rescued. Deep inside there is a longing for peace. All you need to do is come and drink. Come and take His offer of living water. The search light of life was shining brightly on her and exposing all her sin. She had 5 husbands and was living with a man when she spoke with Christ. "Sir, please give me this living water! I need it." This outcast woman cried out, "Give me this water!" At that very moment she was guaranteed a place in heaven. She was a brand new woman. Religion will not get you this living water. Going to church will not get you this living water. Giving money or volunteering will not get you this living water. Come and accept the living water that only Jesus can give you. Will you? By faith, just ask Jesus to make you brand new. These words you read at this moment were placed before your eyes purposely. Just as Christ made sure He spoke with the woman at the well. He desires you to ponder these words you read now. Christ desires for you to drink. Make sure you do not miss the opportunity for Living Water. Tomorrow may not come for you. Take His Living Water. Comments are closed.
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