Thirdly, we need the most important strength of all...that is spiritual strength. As a woman of faith this is our driving strength. Without spiritual strength we would not be able to walk as a faithful women, and handle all that this world will bombard us with. It may be a physical issue, marital issues, financial or emotional issues. Spiritual strength is the ultimate strength because it is not come "from" us it is coming from Jesus, our inner strength. Only Christ living within gives us this unexplainable strength to continue on. In August of 2005, my family and I were involved in a head-on collision. I had ongoing daily pain which caused me to only be able to sleep about one hour at a time, had to continue working with pain, care for a husband who was in a wheelchair from his injuries, had a close sister in Christ call to say she had ovarian cancer and had a few months to live, found an orange-size cyst on my own ovary, had surgery, and had a daughter get engaged. How did I get through all this? Not through my own physical and emotional strength! It was only through Christ, that I was able to cope and take one day at a time. Prayer and tears were daily. His Word gave me comfort and I often found myself sleeping with my Bible under my pillow. I knew He was there, saying "fear not you can do this." He also blessed me with a close sister in Christ who encouraged and prayed with me almost daily. So dear friend in Christ, if you feel physically and emotionally drained, begin with the spiritual strength. Strengthen the spiritual strength through prayer and His Word. He will work within. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Isaiah 40:29 I can do all things through Christ, which strengthens me. Philippians 4:13 My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word. Psalm 119:28 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; Isaiah 40:31 Yes, dear friend, you must have ESP. Comments are closed.
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