Let me tell you about Vicky...
I met her in 2004. I had just had surgery and she emailed, called, sent gifts and encouraged me. As time went by, we prayed together, cried together, went through family trials together and grew in spirit together. We know God had placed us on a path that intentionally crossed in this life. As women of faith, our greatest Friend is Christ, who took our sin debt and wiped it clean with His blood on the cross. But when He blesses us with sisters in Christ, we experience a bond that will never die. I tell you of Vicky to make a VERY important point. You see, genuine, like-minded, faith-filled friends are at your fingertips. Right at your keyboard or as close as your cell phone. I love when women visit "M" Words and the Christian Woman and email me, for it is another sister that is placed on my path purposely by Him. A new eternal friend. We can be there through the trials of life for each other. How I pray that more women will come to understand that I need not be your next door neighbor to be your closest friend. I need not be living close by at all. For over 11 years now, Vicky has been my special blessing. She knows the trials of raising my children. She knows the nights I cried for hours and prayed for loved ones. She knows the pain and path I took after an accident left me with over 4 years of pain. She knows the struggles I faced as I built my outreach for women and faced hate filled emails from those who are unbelievers. She knows it all. And yet, this woman who I am so close to, who knows my life story, who prays for me and encourages me (and I for her) --- we are missing one thing. We have never had the opportunity to meet face to face. Never! We have grown spiritually and have physically aged. We know each other so well. Yet never have I given her a hug of thanks. South Florida is a long way from Northern Maine, yet we are eternal friends. One day we WILL meet in our heavenly home. As I face Christ and say "Thank You Lord, for saving me and strengthening me in that worldly life," I will then say "Now Lord, I want to meet Vicky!" As sister's in Christ....we are eternal Friends. Comments are closed.
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