Few things in a man’s life are more life changing than becoming a dad. Somehow the heart and mind are suddenly seeing the world through new eyes.
There is "someone" that is now part of you and part of your spouse. The blessing of a baby is a miraculous gift from God. Looking at this child, a new dad can realize now that he is accountable to God for the care and raising of this child. As you honor the new dad in your life, here are a few ways you can help him as he navigates the changes his new role brings. 1. Inspire him - Remind him that God is the one who has blessed him with this child and God will strengthen him from within spiritually and give the wisdom needed as he seeks God's will for this child. Here is a link to send him a FREE ecard of encouragement. 2. Pray for him - What a blessing it is when you know someone is praying for you! Let your new dad know that you will be praying for him daily; that he would be blessed with a strong faith and to have a servant heart for those around him. 3. Affirm him – Let him know he’s doing a good job as he provides care, reminding him often of the vital role he plays in the child’s life. Inspirational These inspirational magnets are great reminders to be strong in the Lord, have faith, and to seek His truth. 4. Nurture him - Compliment him often with words of encouragement : “I hope this little one grows up to have a heart for God and for others like you. Your life shows what the heart of the Father is like.” 5. Men of faith around him – Just as sister's in Christ need each other, men of faith need to bond with other men of faith to build relationships with... other dads and/or a mentor who can walk with him on the fathering journey. The many seasons of life are full of stresses and tough choices and when these relationships are already in place, they can make all the difference in weathering the storms. For those who are getting their first-taste of fatherhood... remind them of where their true strength lies. A faithful man shall abound with blessings: Proverbs 28:20 Comments are closed.
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