Together we share our trials, hurts and loss. But as we find comfort in each other and strengthen each other we must remember to keep reaching. Reaching for what you ask?
As a woman of faith, our first desire should be to reach for Christ...reach for the hem! For we know that it is through Christ that we find comfort and strength. We have all read the story in Luke 8:44, about the woman who has been having a bleeding issue for several years. She is pushing her way through the crowd. She is an outcast, cut off from her family and friends because of her bleeding. Not only that, she has been drained of her money, trying to find a cure. (Mark 5:26) And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse, With her continual bleeding, I am sure she was extremely weak and faint. Her belief is strong - she knows in her heart that "if" she can only reach Jesus, and manage to just touch the hem of His garment, she will find relief. The people are pressing on all sides, yet she finds the strength to push, to squeeze through, and she reaches with all the strength she can muster within her and she does it! She touches His hem. "She came behind him, and touched the border of his garment: and immediately her issue of blood stanched." Her belief, her continued effort to reach Christ, comes with a blessing - she is healed. Matthew also deems her worthy of mention in Chapter 9:20. "And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment: I have always been inspired that "3" writers tell us of this bleeding woman. She is nameless, yet she is such an inspiration to us. She is desperate. Yet this woman , comes from behind and struggles to reach Christ. She has a problem, that we as women, would consider embarrassing, and yet she boldly goes forth. Jesus is her hope. She has heard of Jesus and she believes! “If I only touch His cloak I’ll be healed” (Matthew 9:20).
We have all experienced the sinking feeling of no hopelessness. It is the feeling that there is no where else to go, no one to turn to. We may have physical issues or emotional issues. We may have things in our past that we would like to forget and yet these memories keep flowing out, never ceasing. So what do we do? We reach out! Jesus is our only hope. Jesus is our comfort. Just as the bleeding woman was instantly cured, we too can find relief at the hem of His garment. Reach out my friend, reach out.
Dorcas Quintero Orense
5/18/2016 07:28:11
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