As we traveled north on a Georgia country road many summers ago, my husband and I found ourselves in a situation of life or death. A woman driving southbound suddenly crossed over into our lane and hit us head on. Instantly we were thrown into the air, bouncing three times into the air until we landed in an open field. After looking to my husband and seeing he was trapped in the twisted metal, I grabbed my cell phone and jump from the car, falling into a ditch. With hands shaking, I dialed "911" and placed the phone to my ear...only to hear silence. There was no signal! ![]()
That horrible feeling of helplessness filled my entire being. Help, I needed help! Who could help me? What town was I in? Before I could turn around and look for the nearest home, I heard a voice. It was a woman's voice and she was saying, "It's okay! It's okay." I turned to see a woman running across the field toward me and she was saying, "It's okay, I heard the crash and called for help!" My voice within was shouting, "Thank You Lord, thank You."
We all need someone who will put us in touch with help when we need it. ![]()
There are so many people in the world who, in the spiritual sense, need someone to come to their aid.
They need someone who will put them in touch with a rescuer. Someone who will put them in touch with God, the God of salvation. In Genesis, chapter 6 we are introduced to Noah. A man who God used to offer salvation to a very wicked world. They were in rebellion to God; living their lives as they pleased. Their wickedness provoked the judgement of God. The Lord saw the their hearts were evil and their corrupt goodness, no humbleness, no righteousness, no truthfulness, only evil. God was grieved at all this! In Matthew, chapter 24:37, states this: "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Jesus tells us that the generation that precedes the return of Jesus Christ is going to be similar to the generation that preceded the judgement of Noah's day. Today abortion is accepted just like any other medical procedure, researchers are attempting to clone human life, selfishness is applauded as a right, lying is an art form, killing the elderly is considered an act of mercy, sex is used to sell cars to burgers, abuse of innocent children, glory given to perversion, laws passed to eliminated God from our schools and communities, marriage and the home broken. God is surely grieved again! Is anyone listening to His warning? God uses many genuine wonderful teachers... Pastor David Jeremiah, Pastor Charles Stanley, Ann Graham Lotz, Kay Arthur, Pastor Adrian Rogers and others. Sure, the devil will have his imposters.
Noah was a righteous man, and God used him to warn the wicked world - yet no one listened. For 120 years, Noah worked on the ark and warned others. Surely facing ridicule each and every day.
Looking at the news today, we can see that God is grieved, and God will surely judge. As He looks at our world and sees us rebelling against Him, on His mind is judgement. Yet also on His mind is salvation. Anyone who wants to be saved can come...come to Christ for cleansing. When you call out to God, you WILL get a connection. If we would just understand that judgement IS coming, we would look at each day with different eyes. Oh, how important it is for us to spend time connecting with our God of mercy and salvation. If we would spend more time in His Word, we would be enlightened with eyes opened and hearts filled with urgency and desire. Noah gave all he had into working for God and offering salvation to a lost world that was to be judged. Do we have that same desire to serve God? Is God having you read this post right now to tug at your heart? No time you say? No money to give to missionaries? No time to reach the lost online? The job God gave Noah seemed impossible. Day to day life for Noah was certainly filled with demands for providing for his wife and family. Yet Noah labored for God and spoke for God. God provided. All we need to do is the possible. God will do the impossible. When Noah and his family stepped onto that ark, and the door was closed by God, surely his heart broke for all those who would not believe. Surely remembering all the times he preached to those who came to mock him for building the ark and preparing for a flood. We can share the Gospel to those who do not believe. We can tell them how to be saved. We can tell others to just come, confess to Christ and ask for cleansing. God will do the impossible and cleanse and make their life brand new! Will they listen? Maybe not, but we must work for God and trust Him to do the impossible. Our lives must be an example of our faith. May we let our life be a witness to others. There were no storm clouds in the sky as Noah said his final words and headed into the ark. The sun was shining and the sky was blue when God commanded Noah to get on the ark, but then in a few days, the rain began. Noah witnessed with his life and lips, facing ridicule and mocking for decades. No one listened. As the water rose and the ark floated away, he trusted God. Noah was safe and he was saved. For 371 days God did not speak; He was silent. Noah waited and trusted God even in the silence. No matter what we face in this world, or storm we face, we can trust God to lead us through the storm and trust Him even in the silence. God is so faithful to bring us through the storms of illness, depression, financial ruin, divorce, ridicule and more. When we place our faith in Jesus Christ, God says "You are saved from my judgement. Trust in Me." Are you safely inside the ark? Are you saved? If not, you can come into the ark, you can come to Christ. Come to Christ and tell Him you understand you are a sinner and that He died on the cross for your sin. Ask Him into your heart and live for Him from this day forward. By faith, you come. In thankfulness, we now desire to tell others how they can be saved. We all must be Noah's in a world that will face judgement. We trust God and we know that we are saved! Oh God, how we love You! Jesus is our refuge. Comments are closed.
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