Many are upset with the results of the Presidential election. Many are so divided and there is so much anger in a nation once blessed. But the truth is that America has terribly; with sin, there must be judgement. America has sunk into the deepest darkest depths of terrible sin, and of course, God must and will judge us for this sin. Take some time and open your Bible to Jeremiah, chapter 18. In Jeremiah, you will see America. It speaks of Israel, but yet the words are true of ANY nation. We are a nation at a time that will determine our destiny in His eyes. ![]() "Arise and go to the house of the potter!" Jeremiah goes to the home of the potter, and there he sees the potter working with the clay. The vessel broke in the hands of the potter and was reshaped and repaired. Like the clay in the potter's hand, so is our nation. We are in the hands of God. God will pull us down and destroy us if we do not turn from our evil ways. But then again, if we repent, He will once again bless our nation. What a glorious truth to know that throughout history, God has played such an important part in our protection and growth. God used our nation to further HIS Gospel message of salvation. But in the 1960's, America took a turn away from God. Since that time, our nation has been on a downward spiral. Each decade we stepped deeper into the pit. Now with the election results we have seen, there is opportunity to turn back to God! I pray you will take time and read Jeremiah 18. Our revival and our turning back toward God begins with EACH one of us. Silence is not golden, is it a sin. Silence is a sin when unrighteousness reigns (abortion, immorality). One day we will be judged. EACH of us who are faith-filled women of God should be actively seeking His face in prayer and seek to be strengthen in our walk and knowledge of God and His Word. EACH of us can step out in faith to stand on His Word, to teach our children His truth so they will not be brainwashed by a system who desires to erase God from their lives. You and I need to be Titus 2 women... mentoring.
Stop and think...are we being given another chance to turn our nation back to God? Yes. Stop and think...have we been a "silent" Christian watching God removed? Yes. Stop and think...have we allowed an unbelieving segment of people to tell us that we must accept the killing of the unborn and the destruction of marriage as God intended? Yes. Why? We can speak just as loud as the unbelieving segment. We can peacefully and lovingly make our faith stand strong once again in our nation. I believe in my heart, that God has given our nation another chance. I believe that there can be revival in our country. God has given us a chance. It is up to US to stand for Him. There is hope. We have been given a chance to turn back to God. Jeremiah tells us that it is not hopeless. It is not! Praise God. Comments are closed.
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